Chapter 29

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**Make sure you haven't missed chapter 28 since I've made a double update today.**

I looked at the beauty in front of me. It was a memory box filled with a collage of pictures and a handwritten card that expressed how beautiful their love was. Diana and Jake would love it. I also got them matching his and hers limited edition Rolex that I couldn't afford on my own. But I used my husband's credit card even though I felt a little guilty about it.

Dressing up in a white ruffled blouse and blood-red tight-fitting skirt I had chosen to be bold today. It was a look which was totally different from my usual style. I pulled my blonde hair in a high bun and left a few bangs to frame my face. My makeup was minimal eyes and hot red lip colour.

I barely recognized myself in the mirror, but I had chosen this look keeping in my mind my very sexy husband. He'd like to see me in my new avatar.

I grabbed his coffee and entered his office. His eyes were glued to the screen, but he did a double take when he saw me. I liked his initial reaction since I had made special efforts to look beautiful. I could feel the heat spreading through my body. His gaze slid from my toes to my hair and his brows arched in surprise.

I took confident steps towards him and handed him the coffee. He didn't say a word but absorbed the view. I waited.

My confidence slipped by the passing minute. I knew it, he didn't like it. This was what the other woman photographed with him looked like. Bold, confident, and stylish. This wasn't me. Ugh! Stupid Rose! I could never pull off that look.

"Cancel my three o'clock." Evan brought back my attention. I looked up at him in confusion.

"I've already rescheduled it twice. They've been waiting for two days already." Then it dawned on me. "You have been missing your appointments in the afternoon lately. Where do you go?"

He averted his gaze from me and stared ahead avoiding eye contact. "I have been busy. It's work." He replied flatly. I chose to ignore the pleading of my heart that told me he was hiding something, but he had promised me he'd be faithful and I had no reason to doubt him.

"The appointment can wait for a few more days, Rose." I saw him shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He appeared mad.

"Okay. Can I handle it on your behalf?"

"No!" He commanded almost immediately. Too quickly. He appeared alarmed. I was hoping he'd let me do that. He let me last time.


A moment passed and I found him giving me a dead stare. I saw him swallow hard. My nerves began to tingle. I had somehow managed to piss him off.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He said out of nowhere. I stopped in my movements.


"This." He pointed towards my attire. "Do you know how damn difficult it is for me to concentrate when you walk around wearing these damned clothes? And if you wiggle your ass in front of me for one more time then I'm taking you on my knees."

I stared at him with my mouth hanging open like a fish. Sure, he wouldn't do that.

"I wasn't..."

"Yes, you were. I can see the curve of your ass right from here and those lips..." he closed his eyes and leaned back.

"I'm sorry, I thought.... I don't know what I was thinking. I'm just going to wipe it off." I brought my fingers to my mouth to erase the stupid lipstick.

"Don't." He stopped my hand. Evan gestured me to come closer to him and he took my hands in his.

Fingering the edge of my mouth, he dropped his voice. "I want to have those plump lips of yours wrapped around my cock. You are making me so damn hard. I'm seconds away from ripping off your clothes and taking you right here on my desk." When my eyes widened with the vulgarity of his language, he revealed a wicked smile. "But I won't. I'm barely controlling myself around you, Rose. Don't make it difficult for me. You know I'm not a man of patience." I was expecting a reaction from him but wasn't expecting him to be so open about it.

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