Chapter 17

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I hope this chapter makes you very uncomfortable. It's intended this way. Happy Reading!

I hauled my suitcase behind me, its contents sparse. Evan stood before the expansive balcony of what was meant to be our shared room.

I had envisioned a fresh start in this house, transforming it into our home. I had dreamt of a future filled with joy and love, unimpeded by external forces. But my dreams were shattered in the cruelest way possible. What I had imagined as a blissful morning after was a nightmare.

I decided to leave. Without the bond of marriage, without love, what was the point of staying?

Evan stood with his back to me, his body rigid. His hand clenched the window frame, his knuckles whitening with the strain.

"Evan," I called out, my voice betraying the tears I had shed since he revealed the harsh truth the morning after.

He remained unmoved.

"I'm leaving." At my words, he spun around so quickly I feared he might injure himself. His eyes were wide with panic.

"Where are you going?" His voice was as cold and hard as ice.

"I came to live with you because I believed we could build a life together, a life filled with love. But if our marriage means nothing to you, if you only wanted to rob me of my innocence, then what's the point of me staying here?" I fought back the tears, but they flowed freely, nonetheless.

"There's no such thing as love," he retorted, a mocking smile on his face. I didn't respond to him even though I wanted to tell him he was wrong. I had loved him, more than anything else. The depth of my love for him knew no bounds. I was foolish enough to believe he did the same.

"Goodbye, Evan." It tore my heart and ate me from within. A part of me was expecting this to be a nightmare and I was hoping I'd wake up to a calming reality. My heart refused to believe he'd betray me like this.

I was at the door when he spoke again.

"...And where do you think you'll go?"

I paused, turning to face him. I hoped my parents would understand me, but I didn't want to delude myself any further. I was nothing more than an embarrassment to them. What right did I have to go back to them and ask them for mercy?

"Away from you. Anywhere but here."

"You're so naive, Rose," he scoffed. My frustration and rage were turning into hate for the man who was scheming behind my back to ruin me.

"What do you want, Evan? Haven't you ruined my life enough? You've taken everything from me." I broke down, exhausted from crying and feeling utterly helpless. "All I ever did was love you."

He looked away from me and I saw him grip the edge of the coffee table with white knuckled force. "That was your greatest mistake." He snapped. I recoiled back.

"I'm going, Evan. I can't bear to look at you. I hate you!" I screamed at him. But it didn't faze him.

Evan straightened shoving a hand through the thick mane of his hair cursing under his breath. He was getting impatient, and it confused me. "You'll live with me until your last breath." He ordered.

Before I could protest further, he stepped closer to me and grabbed me by the hand. Only when he was inches away from my face that I noticed the hollowness under his eyes and the red in them. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. The exhaustion on his beautiful face was heartbreaking. I wasn't in a better state myself.

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