Bonus Chapter

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Spending major part of my morning tumbling between the sheets with my wife had cooled me off for the day and I had serious thoughts about skipping work. I'd usually reserve my weekends for some private time with my wife, but certain occasions necessitated my presence and I had to attend to them. Rose informed me that she was visiting her friend, so I had no reason to stay back.

I arrived home by noon but knew Rose wasn't at home. I called Harry who informed me she was still at her friend's. I debated calling her and demanding her to come back to me but decided against it. As much as I enjoyed having her all to myself, I also understood the need for her to socialize with other girlfriends. Besides, it gave her joy and that was something I always strived to achieve. My gaze swept across the collage of photos of my wife on my desk in the home office. I leaned back in my chair and relished her beautiful face and the innocence in her eyes. I had clicked a few pictures of her when she was asleep, oblivious to the world. Her pouty lips swollen from the suction of my lips stirred my hunger for her. There was another from our recent trip to Miami where she posed in a skimpy bikini I had bought for her. Her warm, carefree smile soothed my heart. She was blowing me a kiss as I clicked her photos. Those plump lips begged to be kissed for hours.

Rose had never been kissed before I came into her life. No man had ever put his hands on her. She didn't even have a boyfriend before me. But she had let me do it all for her. When the first time I kissed her, she was so shy. I still remember how she had turned crimson after that. But I was determined to give her more firsts than she could ever imagine. I would taint her and possess her. I would make her mine. I would be in her dreams, and she would always want more of me. It was only fair since she did the same to me.

Her innocence and her smile made me go crazy. I tried to fight her away many times, but she was deep within me. She loved me, she said. She loved me even after she learnt what a jerk I had been all this time.

It wasn't long before I realized that I needed her like she was my last breath. I needed her like a drug. She was my obsession and my most beloved possession. I'd kill anyone who tried to take her away from me.

My ego swelled when she couldn't get enough of me and begged for more. She was all mine!

My dick stirred in yearning for her soft body. I had plans for us to go out for lunch, but Rose was still out. I got back to work to distract myself from missing my wife.

My phone buzzed and I realised I had been working for hours. Scowling at the screen I answered the call.

"Dude, where are you? Wanna get together next week?"

"You're in the city?" I asked to my friend Mark. He preferred the quiet and lived away but we got together once in a while, hung out, played golf or just drank. But it had been ages since I last saw him.

"I will be. I'm staying at your hotel. We'll catch up when I get there." I ended the call and leaned back in my chair. There was a kink in my back from sitting for longer hours that made me stop my work.

The air around the home we shared was suddenly different. I could sense my wife's presence. I entered our room and sure enough the sound of music filtered the air. I peeked through the open door and watched my wife in the tub soaking her lush body. Her skin was glowing and wet while her eyes were shut.

I simply stood there admiring her and questioning myself about how I'd gotten so lucky.

Her body stiffened suddenly, but she relaxed when her eyes met mine. As if I'd ever let another man see her so intimately.

I joined her in the tub, not missing any chance to put my hands on her. She was simply so gorgeous. I could never get enough of her, and it scared me to think she'd be done with my shit and realise I wasn't worthy of her by any means. It was the reason I kept her tucked away in the privacy of our home and our relationship under wraps. Exposing our marriage would put her in the spotlight and invite attention of other men on my wife. I'd never let that happen. The sins of my past threatened to part us every day and yet I kept them for reaching my wife. She'd never stay if she found out what an asshole I truly was.

"How was your day, Rose?"

"I had fun with Sam. God, he is so sweet and so cute!" The joy radiating off her when talking about whoever the fuck he was made my blood boil. What the fuck? She was supposed to be spending time with her friend. Where did another man come from?

And she had fun with him? What the fuck were they doing?

I'd break the hands of any man who touched my wife.

"Have I got competition, Rose? Tell me who is he so that I can kick his ass." 

I relaxed when she clarified Sam was her friends kid.

Rose invited my attention to her soft tits and rosy nipples. My mouth watered. I couldn't help but touch her again and again and taste her juicy lips. Soon enough I'd be sliding my dick in that mouth.

She said something about me just wanting sex. But that was not the truth. I wanted her more than my next breath. But she seemed to believe otherwise, so I never corrected her. I was incapable of giving her what she deserved but I could give her the wildest of pleasure with my body. If that was something she stayed for than I was content with that too.

"I do." I told her.

"You didn't want me the next day of our wedding. You vowed to never touch me again." The words came out of nowhere and hit me in the face like a freight train.



Follow me on Instagram for updates @authoreval. Read my book Dangerous Illusion while you wait for Chapter 17.

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