Chapter 37

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I took off my shades as I stepped out of my car. The city always brought back so many memories of my wild days. I couldn’t remember much of the drunken nights but I remembered how reckless I had been. I thought that it was the best time of our lives. But when I met my Rose, I realized what I'd been missing all my life. She came into my life and shook my world. I was glad that time was behind me now.

I wanted my Rose. I missed her and also thought of bringing her here with me. I could finish my work during the day and at night we could break some beds. But I didn't want her and Mark near each other. I knew he liked her. Fuck! Everyone with functioning eyes liked her. It gave me immense joy to know that I was everything she ever wanted. No matter how many men liked her, they couldn't have her because she loved me.

The elevator pinged bringing my thoughts back to the task ahead. The door to Mark’s hotel suite was opened and I made my way inside. I found him in the bar nursing a beer after a night out. I had enjoyed a couple of drinks with him but that was it. Wrapping up business was my main motivation in coming to Miami. Once I had done that, I found no reason to hang out with my associates any longer.

"You should keep the door closed." I announced my presence. Mark looked alarmed for a second.

"It's you. Missed me?" He continued sipping his beer.

"You look like you had a good night." A smile formed on his lips and I knew I was right. Mark’s movements were slaked and he was content which was how I often found myself after a passionate night with my wife.

"Very good night."

“I’m glad my friend.”

Footsteps behind me caught my attention. Long legs walked towards me wearing nothing but a white shirt.

"Hi Hailey!" She looked at me smilingly and kissed me on the cheek. I wasn’t surprised to find her in Mark’s suite. Mark always had a crush on her while she was still my girlfriend. It never bothered me and that surprised me now because when he began hitting on my wife I was crazed with jealousy. I realized just how important Rose had become for me.

"Hi, handsome. I didn't know you were coming here."

"Neither did I. Business brought me here.”
When Hailey excused herself and Mark began to talk, “Listen, I want you to know that it was never like that between us while you two dated.

Hailey had made her intentions clear to me that she wanted me. I was attracted to her too. She was smart, beautiful and successful. She looked good by my side. A perfect date who knew when to smile and pose for a good photo. Our relationship had worked for as long as it did because we had been in it for all the wrong reasons.
“I don’t care what she does with her life. I’m married and happily so. That is the end of my thoughts on this subject.”

He nodded and I considered the subject exhausted.

"Good, get dressed, I have a proposition for you."

I returned from Miami after finishing up my projects in two days when I had originally planned for four. Two days of not seeing Rose was no less than a torture to me. She was like my drug. I couldn't live without seeing her, touching her. I had talked to her over calls every morning after waking up and before going to bed but I missed her smile. She sounded sad on the call and I wanted to tell myself that she was missing me as well. Still, she didn’t say much. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I was returning from the airport. I wanted to call Rose instead and tell her I was back earlier. The urge to decline my father’s call was strong but I decided against it. 

“Henry, how can I help you?”

I heard the sound of leather creaking from the other side and then his voice, “How are you doing, son?”

I skipped over the formalities. “What do you want? I don’t have much time.”

He sighed and began talking about work. Henry was a board member and it was the only reason I entertained him. Our relationship was limited to formal interactions. On occasions he tried to push for more but I always maintained distance. He was my father but our relationship had been damaged years ago. As a child I had been desperate to win my father’s attention and his affection, even that of my step-mother but that hope had been nipped in the bud a long time ago. Henry had created a life for himself, erasing me and my mother like we never existed. The realization had been tough for me as a young boy, for the majority of my youth I even resented Jake and envied the family he had. There was a deep wound in my heart that never seemed to fill until my wife had walked into my life.

I passed the driveway and realized I was back home. “I have to go now.” I hung up and shoved the phone back in my pocket. All my tensions evaporated when I saw Rose waiting for me at the end of the driveway.

I was finally home.


"Evan, honey, mama's going out to run some errands. I'll be back soon." A sweet voice whispered to me. I was still in a state of half-sleep. My tiny fist held onto my mother’s arm. She looked like an angel that day. The sunlight hit my face and I buried myself further into the pillow.

Mama never let me sleep extra in the morning. She said good boys go to bed and rise early and they eat all their greens. I don't like greens. I like chicken.

"Baby, wake up." I yawned and opened my eyes and saw mama. Her face was pale and her eyes were red.

"Good boy." Mama kissed me on the cheek. Yes! I wanted to be a good boy for my mama.

"Say your prayers, Evan." I quickly said my prayers. I didn't understand what I was saying but mama said good boys said their prayers every day. "Evan, I have to go out. Be a good boy, okay?" I nodded.

She touched my face and kissed both my cheeks again and I saw her eyes turning watery.

"I'll miss you, my boy." She spoke. I was playing with her purse that was laying on the bed. Suddenly mama got up and took her purse from my hand and ran out of the door.

"Mama!!" I called after her screaming until my voice was hoarse but she never came back.

I woke in cold sweat. The memories were too fresh, the dream too real in my mind. I still remembered that day like it was yesterday. More than two decades later I was still haunted by that awful memory. I scrubbed a hand over my face hoping to chase the shadows away.

I wish I could forget the pain, the hopelessness I felt as a child. It clawed at me from within and ripped open my heart. My mother was a distant memory, absent from my life for far too long but for some reason I could never forget her face. No matter how much I tried, she was ever present in my mind.

My wife slept peacefully beside me and I envied her for that. Watching her sleep called the erratic beating of my heart. Rose wore nothing while she slept beside me, her hair was a soft tumble against her skin and her lips were swollen from my kisses. I felt my dick throb at the sight of her.

The urge to wake her up and take her hard and fast was ever present in my mind. But I couldn't do that. I had to deal with my issues on my own without pulling her into my mess although I had no doubts that Rose would comfort me without complaining.

The therapist I had been seeing for the last couple of weeks had suggested the same to me. I didn't tell Rose I was undergoing therapy to deal with my issues. Her suggestion for couples counselling earlier had irked me but after giving it a serious thought I had realised she only meant to strengthen our relationship.

But Rose was perfect. It was me who was all kinds of fucked up. I needed to serious fixing to help my marriage.

I quietly slid out of our bed and went to my home office. It was barely four in the morning but my sleep was ruined anyway. Shaking the mouse connected to my computer I woke the screen and began powering through yet another long day.

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