Chapter 14

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Check out my Instagram (authoreval) for the teaser on this chapter and much more. I'm sure you're going to love it! Also make sure to check out my other book Dangerous Illusion.

Claire rushed home after receiving an urgent call from her baby-daddy. Apparently, he was dealing with an emergency, leaving poor Claire with no other option but to go drive over two hours and pick up Sam. Claire's unwavering commitment to caring for Sam always impressed me. I assured her that I would take care of everything in her absence.

As I returned to work, Evan stood near my desk, hands in his pockets and frowning at me.

"Hey, handsome!" I greeted him making sure no one else heard us.

"Where were you?" he asked, annoyance tainting his tone.

"I was having lunch outside," I replied.

"With whom?" he inquired, taking deliberate steps toward me.

"Umm... Claire. But why are you asking me this?"

"Who's Claire?" he pressed, ignoring my question entirely.

"She's my friend and also works here, on the fifth floor."

"Okay." Without further explanation, he turned and walked away, leaving me bewildered.


I was almost done for the day when I received a call from Diana. My mood instantly brightened.

"Hey Rose, are you free right now?" She asked as soon as I answered.

"Yeah. I'm just leaving the work. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to see you. Can we meet for coffee?" I agreed and we both decided to meet at a small coffee shop on my way home. I asked my driver, Harry to take me to the place and grabbed table while I waited for her to arrive.

Over time, since marrying Evan, Diana and I had become close friends. We'd meet occasionally for coffee, and it was safe to say that she was one of the kindest people I'd ever met.

As I waited with a steaming cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin, the door chimed open, and Diana walked in with her usual elegance. There weren't many people around, but those present turned their heads to look at her. It seemed like Jake would have his work cut out for him, keeping men away from her.

"Sorry, I'm late. Did I keep you waiting?" She gracefully slid in the seat opposite me.

"Not much. How are you doing?"

"I'm good," she replied with a smile. "Rose," she began, "I wanted to apologize to you." I looked at her in confusion, having no idea what she was referring to.

"For what?"

"That day at dinner, whatever my mom said was highly inappropriate. I'm really sorry about that. Mom can be a bit too much sometimes." Diana was referring to her mom asking me about my plans for kids. I wasn't holding that against her and certainly not against Diana.

"It's not her fault. We've been married for two years now. She doesn't know under what circumstances we got married. For a couple so much in love, it is natural for others to assume that we would have a kid or two by now. I don't blame her. I really don't hold grudges against anyone."

"You are so kind, Rose. I was worried that you'd be upset or worse, break our friendship. But thank God we're fine, right?" She asked taking my hand in hers. I squeezed her palm.

"Of course. You are not just my friend, we're sisters now." I saw her relax.

"I shouldn't have told my parents about your wedding in the first place," she said after some time. Only the Carters knew about us before Diana accidentally told her parents that we were married.

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