Chapter 1

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The last time I was here, the hall had been a light shade of cremé. Now it was a deep shade of plum with a royal touch of gold. The reflection from the chandelier made this hall glow like the moon in the night sky. It was beautifully decorated and every corner screamed money and elegance. It was the Carter way. Kennedy Carter's 75th birthday was the talk of the town.

Kennedy Carter was the founder of Carter Industries. Back when he was in his forties, he had started Carter Industries as a small industry. Upon his retirement, the company was passed on to his son, Henry Carter who lived up to his father’s name and made a remarkable name for himself. It became popular all over the globe and was known as the best of its kind. Henry Carter retired two years ago and now the Company was run by his eldest son and the CEO, Evan carter.

I was the assistant to the man himself.

Evan’ touch had shown the company a new side of success with the highest ever growth since its inception. It was a proud moment for the Carters. The business practically ran in their bloods.

"Ah, Rose, you look lovely today." I turned around in the direction of the voice. Laura Carter, wife of Henry Carter and my boss’s step-mother came walking towards me sporting an emerald green gown. She looked absolutely stunning with her bold red lip and chic updo. She was the true definition of timeless beauty.

"Thank You, Laura. You look stunning yourselves." I smiled back. Laura air kissed me on both cheeks and flashed me a charming smile.

While Laura looked like someone stepping out of a Vogue shoot, I was wearing a red Versace gown and my hair was pinned up. My make-up consisted of smokey eyes and a red lip.

We were having a small talk when I saw the birthday boy himself. Kennedy Carter looked as healthy as ever in a black tux. Even at seventy-five he kept himself in great shape. Grey hair was slicked back like usual and a radiant smile grazed his lips. I excused myself from Laura and presented him with a bouquet of roses and his birthday present, a diamond studded Rolex.

If there was something both of us had in  common then it was our love for flowers.

"Happy Birthday, Pa." His eyes lit up seeing me and he immediately enveloped me in a warm embrace. The old man absolutely adored me and treated me as his own and I always reciprocate those feelings.

"Thank you, my child. Oh, and look at these beautiful flowers. Just like you, Rose.” After the death of his wife almost two decades ago, he had devoted himself to the cause of charity works. He also helped the less fortunate children of the society and I absolutely loved that about him. Growing up in a religious Catholic family I was always taught to be generous towards others and help the less fortunate.

"Pa, do you remember the kid I told you about last week? I was thinking, why not have him admitted to one of your institutions?”

"Of course, I'll make arrangements for him to be taken care of.” I loved that he was always happy to help. Given the kind of resources he had at his disposal, there was nothing he couldn’t do and Pa always made the right use of his wealth.

“If only there were a few more kind souls like you, kid. The world would’ve been such a good place for everybody."

I gave him a smile and replied, "No Pa, its you who is helping the poor and the sick, not me. I can only hope to be half as generous as you."

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