Chapter 34

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It was difficult saying goodbye to my family as they hugged me once more before departing. I would've loved for them to stay a little longer but my mom assured me we'd be seeing each other soon. My parents also extended an invitation to me and my husband for dinner in their home. Evan was struck by something akin to panic but I reassured him everything would be fine. I could tell he wasn't expecting of my parents accepting him as a part of their family. Yes, they had mended fences with me on his persistence but accepting him as a son in-law was never on his wish list and that surprised him.

That and the hug from my mom totally threw him off his stride.

"Get used to the love, darling." I blew him a kiss after he stood unmoving post my parent's exit.

"I," he paused struggling to find words, "I don't deserve this."

"Of course, you do. You deserve all the love in this world." This and much more. It was a shame his parents had never loved him as a child. I couldn't erase his past but I could fill his world with colours and joy. So much joy.

"They don't know how awful I was to you. I am to you. You deserve so much more, Rose."

His words pierced my heart. I knew what I wanted and I wanted him. I knew he had his faults and insecurities but I believed a man could change his ways. I believed in miracles and Evan already had a huge heart. He pretended he was heartless to me and to everyone else but I saw the way he looked at me. No one could tell me otherwise.

"Don't Rose." Agitated he turned around and moved away from him. I followed him and ended up in his home office.

"Don't what?"

"Don't coddle me like a child. I know what I am and I don't want your damned pity." Recoiling from the snap in his tone I paused for a moment and starred at him, gauzed his reaction and wondered about the sudden shift in his behavior.

He softened seeing me fall silent and then shoved a hand through his lush hair. "Damn it, I don't want to fight with you." I crossed my hands and dared him to bring it on. It wasn't in my nature to put up a fight or argue with someone. I was a non-confrontational person but I realized if I wanted to relationship to work, I had to be strong and match my husband's temper.

Evan made a frustrated sound and settled for the chair. The lights to his computer flickered on with the shake of the mouse. I knew he was avoiding me, hoping I'd let it go if he paid me no attention.

"You know this is not going to work. You can't avoid this conversation forever."

Evan looked at me with cold eyes. All the traces of joy it held moments ago vanished. "I can never avoid you." He sighed and then leaned back on his chair. I knew what it was. A sign of surrender.

"I don't know what you want me to say. Help me understand."

I took a seat opposite him and chose my words carefully.

"I know you have your flaws but who doesn't? I'm not perfect either. We both need to work on ourselves and this marriage. Seeing you work for my happiness, talking to my parents and convincing them to forgive me was the greatest gift you've given me. You set aside you pride for me. Isn't that what marriage is about? We just need a little help for resolving other issues."

He looked at me quizzically and then spoke, "Help. In what way?"

I paused. I didn't know our conversation would steer in this direction but the thought had been playing in my mind for quite some time now. "How about we see a marriage counsellor? The church I attend has a has a pastor who provides counselling services all the time. Whenever you're ready we can ..." I was cut off with a sharp wave of his hand discouraging me from speaking further.

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