Chapter 35

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I tiptoed my way in, but my best friend's voice halted me in my path. Claire rounded me with her hands on her hips and a determined tilt to her jaw. That I was avoiding her was obvious. After Claire had caught me and Evan making out in her office, I avoided running into her at all costs. I didn't have the answers to her questions, and I did not want to lie to her. I was a coward for choosing the easy way out but someday I'd be brave enough to face those questions myself.

"Rose!" I froze having no other way to escape.

"Not so fast, missy."

"Hi, Claire." I smiled at her. It was genuine. My days were better now that all was going well in my life. Having my family back in life was a catalyst in that process but most importantly it was Evan's expression of love that delighted me in more ways than one. How I loved showing him my gratitude this morning! My toes curled in remembered pleasure of how he looked naked and sweating in bed, unable to hold his moans.

I was going to thank him again on our break.

"You're avoiding me." She stated rightly.

I sighed knowing I couldn't lie anymore, "I'm sorry, Claire." What else could I say?

"Alright I'll forgive you but only because you're going to tell me what's got you all glowing this morning?" I could tell there was amusement in her voice and was relieved to hear it.

"Umm," I bit the insides of my cheeks to stop myself from smiling but I couldn't stop blushing.

"You're blushing, does this mean it has something to do with Mr. Carter?" This time the smile couldn't leave my lips.

"Aw, look at you. Tell me everything."

"I think I'm in love, Claire." Irrevocably, madly, passionately. There was a point when I doubted my rationality for loving a man who put himself above everything but not anymore.

Her gaze softened for me. Claire squeezed my hand in an expression of joy. "I knew it. I know he loves you madly too."

Because I was in the mood for sharing, I poured my heart out. "Sometimes it feels that way. I know he cares for me. But he doesn't believe in love."

"Nonsense." She admonished, "Love is the best feeling in the world and if he can't say that after what I've seen between you two then he's an idiot.

I stood silent for a long time and in the end, I blurted out, "I'm married. To Evan."


Two hours later I was still unable to forget the shocked face of Claire after I had broken the news of my marriage to my best friend. The look of utter disbelief and hurt that crossed her face crushed my heart. But dear God, did it feel great to put that out there. I felt like a huge burden had been lifted off my heart.

We decided to meet after work and talk more since our lunch break was up.

At five sharp Claire and I met at the curb while Harry brought out the car to take me home. She paused for a moment to take in the comforts I enjoyed as wife to the industry tycoon Evan Carter. Prior to this day I always made sure to keep this aspect of my life hidden from her.

"So, you're Mrs. Carter, huh?" She said mostly to herself, and I noted the hint of accusation in her voice. I knew it wasn't malicious, but it hurt on her part. I'd be hurt too if I found out she led a secret life that she kept from me for years.

"I've always been Rosaline Jacobs." I replied honestly.

I explained the dynamics of my marriage to Claire and told her everything I could bear to share. I didn't tell the way Evan treated me after our wedding knowing she'd be very angry and hold it against him for the rest of our lives. By the time I finished all she could say was, "Wow, I don't even know what to say."

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