Chapter 23

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Morning rolled in with me and my husband wrapped up in each other. Despite making love several times last night Evan wasn't satisfied. He woke me up again past midnight and had his way with me.

I was awake and my husband couldn't get enough of me. He'd woken me up with soft kisses and needy hands on my breasts.

"Leave me alone." I moaned. How many times did we make love since yesterday?

I forgot the count after the sixth time.

"Just once more. I want to watch you as you come." He said twirling my nipples with his fingers. My body felt limp.

"No more. I'm tired. I can't.."

"Tired of me already? So all that talk about you loving me was just empty words." I was taken aback by his stance. I loved him. How could he doubt my love just because I refused to have sex with him? Tears welled up in my eyes and my heart broke. Was my love limited to the bedroom for him?

Evan's face broke out in a grin, but he lost that smile when he saw me crying. "Rose, I'm just messing with you. Don't cry." He cupped my face and wiped my tears.

"I really love you Evan. Not only in his bedroom but beyond it. I care for you..."

"I know. Shh... Now stop crying. Come on, you are such a crybaby." There was laughter in his eyes and mischief on his face.

Baby! Oh no!

I couldn't keep this to myself now. I had to tell him.

Getting up from his arms I made my way towards the bathroom. I heard him call my name but I didn't stop. I shut the door and observed myself into the mirror. What were the signs that would tell me that I was ... pregnant? They say that a mother always knows but why didn't I feel anything?

I walked out of the bathroom, now freshly showered, and dressed.

"I need to speak with you." I began.

"What is it?" I had his full attention and it made me nervous. Evan had already freshened up, but he was wearing his sweatpants.

"I think...I think I'm..."

"What's it Rose?" He asked impatiently.

"Evan, I think I might be pregnant." I waited for his reaction and saw his face turn pale. I winced. This was harder than I imagined.

"What did you say?" He asked looking at me. His hands caught my arm and his fingers dug deeper into the skin. He sounded angry and scared.

"I.....I think I'm preg.."

"Fuck Rose! You can't be pregnant. You said you were on birth control. How can you get pregnant?" He asked shaking my arms. He sounded furious, his eyes icy and dark. He was mad. I never thought he'd be mad at me for this. I knew the news was out of nowhere and he'd require time to adjust because I didn't expect him to be upset about it

"Birth control is not a hundred percent effective. But why are you mad?" My eyes welled up in tears but I refused to cry.

"Then what the fuck am I supposed to do? Celebrate? Goddamn it, Rose!" he muttered shaking his head in denial. Dread crept up my body. He couldn't be saying that he didn't want the baby.

"Evan, this is our baby. We didn't plan this but its God's blessing upon us." I tried to explaining. It wasn't planned but it was a happy surprise

"I don't believe in your God and it's no blessing. I .....we can't have a baby. Do you hear me? We are not having a baby. This is a mistake." His words felt like a stab to my heart. He might as well have pierced the knife himself.

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