Chapter 16

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I woke up early on Saturday, the sun was just peeking over the horizon. I had a special day planned. I was going to visit my dear friend Claire and her two-year-old son, Sam. I decided to make cupcakes for the little boy. I loved baking, and I knew Sam had a sweet tooth.

That was my original plan, however, seeing my overly sexy husband laying next me in his sleep mused state and bed hair I had wicked thoughts enter my mind. Evan's eyes stirred open, and my eyes fell down to the sheets bunched below his navel. The very obvious tent in them had me biting my lips. When was I ever going to stop being shy around him?

"See something you like, my sweet wife?" The amusement in his tone told me he knew the effect his gorgeous body had on me.

We made love for the next hour and a half, effectively delaying both of us for the day but none of us complained. Evan had to work even though it was the weekend but he assured me he'd be back in a few hours.

I spent the morning in the kitchen, mixing the batter and watching as the cupcakes rose in the oven. The smell of vanilla and sugar filled the house. Once they were done, I let them cool on the rack while I got ready.

As we drove, I chatted with Harry about his family. He had two kids of his own and he always had interesting stories to share about them. It was a pleasant drive, the city was still waking up and the traffic was light.

We reached Claire's apartment in good time. I took the box of cupcakes and headed to her apartment. Claire greeted me with a warm smile. Sam was there too, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the cupcakes.

We spent a lovely afternoon together. Sam enjoyed the cupcakes, his face smeared with icing. Claire and I caught up on life, our conversation filled with laughter and shared memories.

As the day wore on, I realized it was time to head home. I said my goodbyes and promised Sam, I would make him more cupcakes soon. Harry was waiting for me, and we drove back home.

When I reached home, I was surprised to find it empty. Evan wasn't back from work yet. It was unusual, he rarely worked the full day on weekends. I felt a pang of disappointment but shrugged it off. He must have been caught up in something important.

I took the time to shrug out of my clothes and prepare a relaxing bath for myself. Lighting the scented candles, I turned on soft music and lowered the volume while the bath salts dissolved.

The moan of satisfaction that left my mouth was worth everything. I soaked up nicely and felt myself relax in the bath until I found it difficult to stay awake. I nearly missed the sound of the door opening and was immediately alarmed. But when Evan walked in fully dressed, I relaxed.

"Hey, you scared me." I complained.

"Sorry," he sheepishly grinned and observed me, "worth it to find you naked and wet." He came to the tub and darted out his hand to capture my nipple in his fingers. My body shamelessly gave in to the touch, eager for more. "So beautiful." He murmured toying with the sensitive bud.

"You're late."

He frowned but didn't stop touching me. "I wanted to come sooner, but the meeting dragged on. It was so frustrating having to sit there and negotiate a deal when all I wanted was to get home to you and spend the day lazing around naked in bed with you." I was disappointed with the lost opportunity. I let out a sigh or perhaps it was a moan when I felt him arousing me. My lips parted when he cupped my breasts, heavy and full against his palm.

"Scoot over for me." I did as he ordered and he joined me hurriedly, tossing his clothes on the floor. He was magnificent in his nude glory and so mouthwatering to look at. I wished he'd stay naked all day in front of me.

"How was you day, Rose?" The change of topic was deliberate on his part, but I failed to understand why he was doing it. Nonetheless I answered honestly, "I had fun with Sam. God, he is so sweet and so cute!"

The scowl on his face surprised me but not as much as his possessive hand around me. "Have I got a competition, Rose? Tell me who is he so that I can kick his ass?" I burst out laughing at his silly and totally uncalled for jealousy.

"Sam is Claire's baby." I clarified but that didn't stop him from giving me hard looks.

"Lucky him to have your attention for hours."

"Am I not giving you enough attention, baby?" I palmed his face and he nuzzled into my touch. My chest constricted when he looked at me like that. "You were gone to work when I came home." I complained.

"I have been back before noon. When you didn't come home, I worked for a while in the home office. I sensed you and came looking for you and found you naked and wet in the bath. You deserve a spanking for making me wait for so long."

I didn't know if I felt bad for not spending time with my husband or scandalized by him suggesting spanking me like I was a child. Either way it was entirely my fault. Our weekends were reserved for just us where I didn't have to pretend that I wasn't his wife.

Evan's hand stroked my arm and moved over to my throat. The pad of his thumb lifted my chin up and he deeply kissed me, a kiss far too brief for my liking. "You're joking."

"Absolutely not, sweet Rose. You're also going to ride me hard while your cunt is still slick and soft from me." He dipped in again to kiss me, this time his lips barely hovered above my lips. I felt him soothe the aching points of my nipples and palm my heavy breasts in his hand.

"You always want sex." I complained even though I was terribly aroused and wanted him.

"Yes, I do." He admitted shamelessly.

"You didn't want me the next day after our wedding. You vowed to never touch me again." The words left my mouth even before I had a chance to think of what I was saying. Only when the silence hung in the air heavily after that did I realize how awful my timing was. My big mouth had no control.

Evan's hands were still on my body, and something flashed across his eyes. The tension in his jaw was evident.

His mind probably drifted to that day, mine did too.

. . .

Next chapter will be a Bonus chapter in Evan's pov. While you wait for it you can check out my new story Dangerous Illusion. 

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