Chapter 28

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Two days later....

I tapped on my phone to pass time waiting for Diana. We had planned to get coffee after work.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late." She took a seat in front of me. I smiled at her and just waved my hand in front of her telling her it was not a problem.

We ordered our coffees and as soon as the waitress left Diana took my hand in hers and smiled brightly.

"Guess what?" she asked with a fat grin on her face.

"What?" I asked cluelessly.

"We picked a date for the wedding. It's decided."

I slapped my hand on my mouth to stop myself from screaming. "Really? Oh God! I'm so happy for you. When?" I asked.

"It's a surprise. Mom's planning a party in two days and we're going to announce it in front of everyone. I'm so happy, Rose." Diana had that dreamy look on her face. She had been waiting for this day ever since.

"Oh Diana, I'm so happy for you." I threw my arms around her from the opposite chair and hugged her tightly. We talked about the arrangements, the dresses and everything else she was excited about. The joy radiated off her in all directions. I couldn't be happier for her.

Jake and Diana were truly lucky to find each other.

I couldn't help but think how different yet similar both the brothers were. While both were possessive and passionate men, Evan was slightly more territorial and reserved than his half-brother.

I had been so lost in my thoughts that I bumped into Evan on the way to our room.

"Careful." He held me by my waist as I was about to fall backwards from the stairs. But his firm grip kept me steady.

"Thank you." I said straightening my posture. But he didn't drop his hands from my waist.

"Where were you? You left way before me."

"I had coffee with Diana. They've got the date planned. Can you believe it? They're getting married." I realized I was squealing in joy. "I'm so happy for them. Mrs. Wilkins has planned a party. Are you listening to me?" I looked at him only to find him staring at my face. A small smile was plastered to his face.

"I think you should give Jake the talk."

Evan shot me a bemused look. "He's not a virgin. He knows how to fuck." I smacked his biceps in annoyance.

"Not that talk. I meant the big bro-talk. Tell him that he's never allowed to hurt Diana or else we're pulling out the guns." I giggled at my own ideas. It was laughable to think that Jake would ever upset her. He worshipped the ground she walked on.

"I'm the last person Jake needs relationship advice from. He doesn't need any guidance from a fuck-up like me." There was no amusement in his voice. I pursed my lips in irritation.

"You're not a fuck-up," he groaned in protest, and I corrected myself, "maybe a little. But we are happy. I can't imagine my life without you. Can you?"

"No. I'm everything because of you. You, my sweet wife came into my life and changed me for good. I've told you before, you're my angel." He pressed his lips to my temple, and I sighed in his arms. "I want to be a better person for you. You deserve so much more." Sadness masked his beautiful face. His head hung low as if he was ashamed of himself. I hated to see him like that.

"So, you're not perfect. Neither of us are. You have your flaws but that's what makes us." I cupped his face and ran my fingers on his jawline. A rough stubble had grown on his face making him look so sexy. He looked absolutely mouth-watering. It had been so long since we made love. The distance had been good for our relationship, but I was finding it hard to keep ourselves apart.

"I promise, I'll try. I'll do anything for you." I was brought back from my wicked thoughts by his voice. Evan caught my palm with his hand and kissed my knuckles. I was on fire with that simple gesture.

"Rose." My name was a warning on his lips.

"What?" I placed my lips on his still ones kissing him with all my love. I pushed my fingers in his hair tugging his locks and driving him closer to me. That did the trick. He slowly circled my waist with his arms and made love to my lips. He was so gentle yet so passionate. I felt light-headed just by the kiss. When he didn't make any moves, I softly bit his lower lip. His grip on me tightened and he moved us both. I took a step back and didn't realize it was the end of the stairs until I was falling backwards taking him with me.

We both landed with a thud and then groaned in pain. I rubbed my arm to soothe the pain and Evan did the same. We looked at each other and a small giggle escaped my mouth until I was laughing hysterically. I didn't know why I was finding our fall so funny, but soon I saw Evan laughing along with me. His laugh was so rich and masculine. I loved that smooth, deep sound.

I clutched my stomach and laughed so much that tears pooled into my eyes. Eventually we recovered and just lay like that on the floor. I shifted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I've never fell and laughed at myself." He spoke. I agreed. I was the clumsy one between us. But he was always so graceful.

"I like your laugh." He looked at me as if I had grown three heads. I continued, "You appear so calm and happy. You don't laugh much, do you?" I asked.

"I never had a reason to be happy. Now I do." He confessed.

"Well then I'm going to make that permanent because I'm always going to be with you."

"I won't let you go, even if you want to." His direct possessive nature wasn't supposed to turn me on but at this point if he even looked at me, I'd melt. I had never behaved like this. But there was always a first time. It was official, I was a lost case.

He pulled away and stood on his feet, offering me his hand. I straightened myself after getting on my feet. "Let's have a peaceful night. Dinner, some wine, and TV?" I smiled, liking the idea. With joined hands we headed to our room enjoying a rare quiet night for the first time in a while. For once I felt like we were a normal couple, having fun, laughing. We cuddled in bed. Evan tickled me until I was a laughing mess. I tried to return the favor, but he was a hard slab of muscle all over that did not budge despite my best efforts.

We did not have sex, but it was easily one of the best nights of my life. I wanted this for the rest of my life.

. . .

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