Chapter 32

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"Let's go before someone comes looking for us." I ignored Evan's protest and walked away. I couldn't even look at his face.

"Stay with me, okay? Please." Ignoring him I made my way back to the party.

I spotted Diana  who wore a stunning gold gown. Her hair and makeup was done exceptionally. Her brown curls were pulled up in some sort of an updo leaving behind small loose curls to frame her face. Her lips were coated red. She couldn't stop smiling.

She made her way over to me as soon as she spotted me.

"Rose, I'm so happy you're here. Why didn't you come earlier? I was so upset when I didn't see you. So I immediately told Jake to call you. I can see he convinced you. But were your really sick? I'm so sorry, I'm such a fool...."

"Baby, calm down." Jake put his arm around her. Diana smiled sheepishly before looking back at me.

"You look gorgeous, like an angel. So pretty." I meant what I said. She pulled me in for a hug. I realised how badly I needed it.

"I told you." He winked at Diana. She blushed and elbowed him in the stomach. I felt the atmosphere around me shift. My husband's presence was attracting attention.

He carried the gift bag I had given him. Thrusting it out, he gave it to them. "It's from Rose."

"It's from both of us." I corrected.

"It's from her. You know I'm not really good with gifts." He argued.

"Thank you."

Jake drew everyone's attention and asked Diana for a dance. She smiled and took his extended arm. 

"Talk to me, Rose. Don't punish me with silence." Evan hovered close to me. I knew it bothered him that I refused to let his presence affect me.

"I don't think there's anything to talk."

"You're angry, tell me how to make you love me again." I looked at him and let him see my resolve.

"I thought you didn't believe in love." His lips thinned in irritation.

"Don't." He warned.

People rushed around us to join the dance floor. I kept my gaze on the highlights of the evening. Jake and Diana looked so in love. I couldn't help but watch them with moistened eyes.

"You can't ignore me forever. Don't forget we have to go home too. You won't be able to avoid me then." The tone of his voice was challenging me.

I shot him a look. "Maybe I won't go home with you. Maybe I'll check into a hotel for the night. Maybe I'll take a vacation for a week without my controlling husband pissing me off." He frowned. If only I could do it. But the truth was I couldn't imagine a day without him. Even when he got on my nerves which was happening a lot lately.

"Careful there, Rose. I'm still your husband." He warned. His fingers curler around my waist holding me close as if I'd run away this moment.

"You're the one who keeps forgetting that." Right on cue Hailey came into view. Her smile was wide. I had failed to notice earlier but now I could clearly see how gorgeous she was. Standing next to Evan, anyone with a right mind could tell who was more stunning couple. The insecurity was unlike me. But I couldn't ignore it.

"Care for a dance, handsome?" She made an attempt to touch his arm but I reacted faster in thrusting my own hand to prevent her from accessing him.

"My husband will dance with me. So I suggest you find someone else's arm to grace." Her smile tightened but she didn't argue in front of Evan.

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