He doesn't need to know

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You immediately call Sarah in panic. "Hello?" "Sarah come now it's an emergency." She hung up. 20 minutes later you hear the doorbell ring. "Hey" you say. "What's the emergency?"
"You're pregnant? And it's Shawn's?" Sarah asks. You nod your head. "I don't think I can tell Shawn." "Why not?" "It will ruin his career and on top of that the tabloids will find out." Sarah nods her head.

*6 months later
"Shawn is coming back?" You say. "Yeah, what's the problem with that?" Isaac asks. "He can't see me like this, I'm literally almost 7 months pregnant with his child that he doesn't know exists." "Y/n you kept this from him long enough, he needs to know, you can tell him tomorrow."
"Fine" you sigh. You look down at your bump. "Hope daddy won't get mad" you whisper quietly.
*next day
"Shawn" Sarah waves him over to your table. Shawn walks over there with a smile. "Hey guys" your friends get up and hug him. "Hey Y/n can I get a hug?" He asks. You nod your head and slide out of the booth to hug him. "Woah Y/n" he says. "Yeah, I'm pregnant."
"Sorry for being rude but congratulations" he hugs you. Isaac gives you a look. You roll your eyes. The waitress gets your orders. "So how are you guys?" Shawn asks. "Great busy" Sarah says. "Hey Shawn how long are you on break?" Isaac asks. "4 months." "The baby will be born by then"
Isaac whispers to you and nudges your arm. "So Y/n how far along are you?" Shawn asks. "Almost 7 months." "Do you know the gender?" "No I want to be surprised." "Oh cool." "Hey Y/n who is the father again? I just can't remember" Isaac says. You glare at him.
Luckily the waitress comes over with your food. Isaac rolls his eyes. Y'all eat the food and leave the restaurant. The four of you go to Sarah's house to hang out. "So what do you guys want to do?" Sarah asks. "Let's watch a movie" you say laying on the couch. The others agree and y'all watch Harry Potter.
Shawn sits next to you and puts his arm around you. You rest your head on his shoulder. Isaac looks over at you two and rolls his eyes.

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