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*4 years later (21 years old)
"Mommy mommy" Michael says as he runs into your bedroom and onto your bed.  "Hey buddy" you say kissing his forehead. Michael has dark hair and the same face as Shawn but has your eyes. "What you got there?" You ask.
Michael is holding a picture in his hand. "It's you and someone else" he says. You take the picture from him and it's of you and Shawn kissing on the beach. "Where did you find this?" "In a drawer, mommy who's that?" "Um it's a friend" you say.
"Oh okay, when is Isaac coming home?" He asks. "Soon baby" you kiss him and he runs off to play. Isaac lives with you and Michael because 1. He wants to be the father figure for Michael and 2. You and Isaac are dating. You two didn't intended to when you agreed to Isaac being the father figure, it kinda just happened.
The reason why Michael doesn't call Isaac daddy or dad is because you know one day you will tell Michael his real dad is Shawn and you don't want to lie to him. Anyway you go downstairs and flick through channels until you go to E! news.
"Shawn Mendes confirms that he is engaged to girlfriend Camila Cabello" the host lady says. "Oh my god yes!" the co host says.  "Oh my god no" you say.

*Shawn's pov (22 years old)
I'm doing my hair when someone wraps their arms around me. "Hey babe" I say to her. "Hey fiancé" Camila says.  I kiss her and then go back to doing my hair. Camila lets go of me and sits on our bed. "A nice big diamond, you did good Shawn" she says as she admires the engagement ring I got her.
I smile "Thanks love." "So I was thinking for our wedding we would have a big wedding, invite lots of people." "Hmm I was thinking of having a small intimate wedding with just family and close friends" I say.
"Well it's my wedding too" she says. Ugh it's always about her. "Anything for you." She smiles and kisses my cheek. Camila goes over to one of my drawers and opens it. She searches through it. "Hey Shawn there's been something I need to talk to you about." "What's that darling?"
She takes out a picture frame with a picture of Y/n and I. "You need to get rid of this" she says. "Why?" "Um we're getting married I don't want this in our house no more"." I take it from her. I sigh. "Fine I'll get rid of it" I say.

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