Her fault

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*Your pov
You finally get home from the park and when you walk in with Michael, Isaac and Shawn are sitting on the couch in the living room. "Daddy!" Michael yells and runs to Shawn. "Hey buddy" Shawn says as he hugs him.
"Y/n we need to talk" Isaac says.  "Shawn could you give us some privacy?" "Yeah sure, hey Michael could you show me your room?" He asks. "Yeah follow me." Michael grabs Shawn's hand and takes him to his room.
"Why is he here?" Isaac asks. "Shawn and his girlfriend got in a fight and he had no where else to go, so he is staying here" you say. "Why can't he stay in a hotel? He's a celebrity after all."
"Isaac what's the matter with you? You and Shawn are best friends." "Were. Y/n I'm worried about Michael, he is getting too attached to him." "Shawn is Michael's father, I'm sorry that annoys you but that's the way it is" you say.
Isaac sighs. You hug him tight. "I just love him like he's my own" Isaac says. "I know you do, I'm sorry I got mad at you." "It's alright baby, Shawn can stay." "Thanks, love you." "Love you too." You kiss Isaac and go call Shawn and Michael back into the living room.

*Shawn's pov
"Time for bed Mikey" Y/n says. "I don't want to go to bed!" Michael yells. "Michael it's bed time. Say good night to Isaac and daddy." "Night daddy" Michael says giving me a hug. "Good night Michael" I say kissing the top of his head.
The next morning I have a meeting with my management. As I'm walking into the building, paparazzi are outside taking pictures and yelling at me. "Shawn is it true you have a son?" "4 years ago when the rumor came out about you being a father, turns out to be true?"
I quickly walk in the building and run to the meeting room. "Shawn have you heard the news?" Andrew asks me. I shake my head. "Somebody let the story out of you being a father out into the public."
My heart sinks. How? How could this this happen? Then it comes to me. Camila. That Bitch. "Wh-what are we going to do?" I ask. "Shawn there's only one thing to do. To confirm it."
"It's all Camila's fault" I whisper. "What?" "It's all Camila's fault! Andrew I need to break up with her!" I shout. "Shawn you're already in deep waters, if you break off the engagement who knows what could happen. Your career could be done."

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