And so it begins

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*1 month later
"I'm almost 9 months" you say to Isaac when you go to your 37 week appointment. The reason Isaac is going with you is because he will be the father figure in the baby's life. It's been almost two months since Shawn found out about the baby and a month since you two had gotten into that fight. You haven't talked to Shawn since then.
"I can't believe it's almost time" Isaac says. "You've been with me through the whole pregnancy." He nods. "So do you know you're going to name the baby?" "Well I like the name Emily for a girl and Michael for a boy."

*After appointment
"So Y/n are you ready to go to lunch?" Isaac asks. You nod and smile at him. Then you feel a sharp pain. "Ouch." "Woah are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, let's go" you say. You go to lunch at T.G.I Fridays and you order your food. "Ouch there it is again" you say. "Do you think you've started labor?" Isaac asks. "It's too earlier to tell."
Throughout the lunch you feel random spurts of pain. After lunch Isaac walks you to your car. "Now if you need anything call me" he says. You nod and get in your car and drive away. At home you just lay around and the pain becomes stronger and more close together.
At midnight you call your doctor about the pain and then you call Isaac. "Hello?" He answers. "Isaac sorry to wake you up but I'm going to the hospital to get checked" you tell him. "Omg you're in labor?" "Yep, I'll call if you need to come to the hospital." "K bye." "Bye Isaac" you hang up.
Once you get to the hospital they check you and you're 4 meters. You call Isaac and Sarah to come to the hospital.

*Shawn's pov
I get a call from Isaac at 1 am. "Hello?" I answer. "Shawn Y/n's in labor" he says. I wake right up. "What! Where is she!" "At the hospital." "Which one?" "St. Joseph." "I'll be there soon just make sure she doesn't have the baby till I get there" I grab my jacket and keys and run out the door.
I drive to the hospital and when I get there, I get out of my car and run to the front desk. "Hi I'm here for Y/n Y/l/n" I say all in one breath. The nurse doesn't understand me. "What did you say?" She asks. I settle down and tell her again. "I'm here for Y/n Y/l/n, I'm one of her friends."

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