Operation Get A Dick In Gee So He'll Stop Being A Salty Bitch

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                      Mikey and Gerard parked in the parking lot of the school. As they headed into the school they saw Pete standing their like an emo piece of shit.

                    "Babe!" Mikey yelled running towards Pete, which made Gerard just roll his eyes. Gerard real care for relationships. He thought all of it was cheesie and stupid, it was why he loved being single. Anyways besides is mirror was to small for two people to share.

                  When Mikey was done having his small make out session with Pete Gerard walked over. 

                   "Well since you guys are finally of each other how was everyone's morning so far." Gerard asked, desperately trying to start a conversation that didn't end with Mikey and Pete gazing into each other's eyes. Don't get him wrong, he thought that Mikey and Pete made a fine couple. But just the constant showing effection towards each other was what made Gerard wants puke.

                     "You're just salty that you don't have a realationship like ours." Mikey claimed. Gerard rolled his eyes again while a bitter laugh came out his mouth. 

                    "Oh cause I so want a realationship that will take up my precious time." Gerard responded sarcastically.

                     "It's official, Get a dick in Gee so he'll stop being a salty ass birch." Pete announced. Mikey agreed, and Gerard just walked away. 



                   The rest of the day while Gerard was in class Pete and Mikey where on the search for a good candidate for Gerard to date. Almost all the guys they met where straight except one. He was this new kid named Frank. Appearently he came from this Catholic private high school. He told Mikey and Pete to not tell anyone. The only reason Frank told them because Frank smell the gay on the two boys.

                   The three boys all exchanged numbers and planned on meeting at Mikey's house on Friday. Basically Pete and Mikey where setting Gerard and Frank up on a blind date without even telling the two boys. Boy this was gonna turn out good.

Hi guys I hope you like this. I have a bunch of chapters waiting and a lined for the future . Certain days I'll post twice other not at all. The reason is because school. Sometimes I'm studying stupid ass formulas did geometry and then other days I'm practicing instruments drums and ukulele. Then other days I have nothing to do with my life. Most chapters will probably be posted around this time which since I live in good old fucked up America, around midnight.  Anyways see yea fuckers. Bye

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