Frank's a lonely single gay looking for some love

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            Gerard was ignoring Frank ever since the grocery store and it really pissed of Frank and made him go mad. Frank kept trying to think of what he did that would make Gerard mad at him. He didn't understand. He thought that him and gee where bffs.
             Like every angsty emo teenager going through boy problems he went to the internet. More specifically he went to tumblr. He wrote a long ass paragraph about he was feeling, and when he posted it he received a message.
Rayistoocoolforskool: hey man I read your post. I'm sorry that dude seems like a dick. If you want we can be friends.

Funsizefrank: that would be amazing. I basically have no one anymore

Which was mostly true since his dad was on a getaway vacation with a few coworkers and his mom was barely ever home with her new job, and he lost Mikey and Pete cause of all this,

Rayistocookforskool: you know the name Frank sounds familiar do you go to my school by any chance it's Rbr

Funsizefrank: yea I do. Wait are you Ray toro

Rayistocoolforskool: yea

Funsizefrank: oh it's me Frank Iero I'm in your guitar class.

Rayistocoolforskool: right. Dude we should meet up.

Funsizefrank: yea I'm free now hbu

Rayistocoolforskool: same

Funsizefrank: here I'll send you my address why don't you come over.

Rayistocoolforskool: awesome sure.

Now was it idiotic for Frank to randomly give this man that was supposedly Ray from his guitar class. Yes, but Frank desperately needed a friend.
         A half an hour passed and Tay showed up at Frank's house.
           "Hey welcome to me casa. Come in." Frank greeted opening the door. Ray smiled
             "Dina da."
              The rest of the day was awesome for the two boys. They realized they had A LOT more in common then they thought. Frank was happy to be able to talk to someone who wasn't himself again.
             Hours passed and it was getting late.
              "Well we have school tomorrow, and it's getting late so I should head home." Ray said
              "Yea it's been fun." Frank said with a smile, and he truly meant it. He hasn't felt this good in awhile and it was nice to finally feel it again. Ray started to walk to the door but then he turned around.
            "You can hit me after this but..." and without warning Ray goes and kisses Frank, and for some odd reason Frank doesn't not kiss back.

Is this getting to angsty guys? I'm sorry if you don't like it -_-

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