It takes one drunken mistake to break a friendship

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                           Gerard woke up with a massive ringing noise in his head He felt like Dracula as he hissed at seeing the sunlight from the window. Being drunk is fun but the hangover after it is the utter pain. A guy Gerard once dated say "if you are always drinking you'll never get a hangover." that guys in jail now.

                          Gerard looked over and saw a peaceful Frank sleeping. Frank felt at peace and like he could watch the boy sleep all day. Gerard cheeked he time. School started in about 20 min. He shacked Frank.

                          "wake up buttercup time to experience hell while going to hell." Gerard joked. School was surely not going to be fun. Frank just groaned. The two boys both felt like hell, with stomachs that where doing flips, and heads that where screaming and eyes that couldn't open up fully.

                      Asking Frank for clothes wasn't option because Frank was the shortest dwarf in the village and made Gerard look like a Giant. So while Frank got dressed Gerard made coffee.

                        Finally the two boys put their coffee in a to go cup and got in Gerard's car and drove to school. They had about 5 min to get their stuff and go to class. SO Gerard said his far wells and went off to his locker. When he got their he saw a punch of offensive slurs on his locker. Things like "fag" "Asshole" "slut" "itch", and the his favorite "homicidal maniac" that was definitely something this school made him feel like. He ripped all the papers off his locker and threw them out he then dropped his shit in his locker and then left for class.

                While Gerard went through class with ease Frank was having a more troubling time. At first everything was fine until he was in the locker room. It was after gym and he was in the shower. It was calming having the hot water spray against his back. As he watched his neck saw a small bruise. He then realized this wasn't any bruise this was a hickey. Where did he get the hickey though? Then in an instance everything hit him like a flash. The drunken kiss that was stopped by his mother. H didn't know what to do.

             Question after question kept flying through Frank's head. Does Gerard remember? Does he like Frank? Does Frank Like him? What does this mean? Frank can't start falling for his best friend again. It'll just end up like catholic school. So that's when Frank decided to repress it and forget the drunk kiss never happened.

Hope yall enjoyed -Ian


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