Run away with me... to my house

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                Gerard's mom was fuming.
                "How could you go against Gods word. Man and man shall not lie with one another. Why do you rebel against me like this." Gerard as about to answer but that his mother started again. "This is unholy I will not have a sin like this in my house. At mi-." And right on my time Mikey appeared at the front door hold Pete's hand.
                 "Oh my god what have you done to your brother. You two are no longer my sons. You will leave my house this instance. And you two. I have no clue what your names are but know this is all your fault. You ruined a perfectly happy family.
                  Gerard had tears in his eyes as he rushed to his room to get his stuff, as did Mikey. While Pete and Frank both followed their boyfriends.
               Frank shut the door behind an himnand that's when Gerard broke collapsing in a hug with Frank.
              "Wha-what am I going to do Frank." Frank rubbed Gerard's back trying to calm him down.
              "Shh love it's all right. You can runaway with me, and live with me. You know my mom loves you and would be more than happy to take you in."
              Gerard pulled away from the hug with bloodshot red eyes that made Frank's heart break into a million pieces.
              "Of course love."
                "Fuck I love you Frank." Frank smiled at Gerard's words.
                   "And I love you."


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