I knew shit like this would happen

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It was that time of year again when cum wasn't the only white thing that was flying in the air. It was the winter season and you know what that means. A stupid ass holiday called Christmas was coming right around the corner.
Gerard was a pessimist when it came to Christmas he hated mostly everything about it.
And Frank good old Frank just wanted to get Gerard under the mistletoe. Cause ever since that kiss Frank has slowly started to get a crush on Gerard. And it was literally killing him. All Frank thought about was Gerard. Gerard was like the only thing Frank's brain could comprehend.
Frank spent all month looking for a perfect gift. He ended up buying Gerard a remote control bat mobile. He hoped that Gerard would love it. The only gift Frank wanted was Gerard's presences and if possible to get Gerard under the mistletoe.

Gerard on the other hand was home working on a painting for Frank. It was Christmas Eve the fire was burning and Gerard was in his living room waiting for Frank to come over. They where going to exchange gifts. Gerard painted a huge painting of Frank's chihuahuas sweet pea. Gerard heard a knock on the door he thought it was Frank but instead was greated by Bert
"Oh hey Bert I didn't know you where coming over."
"Well I have something big to tell you. Can I come inside?"
"Yea of course come in I'll get you a cup of coffee." Gerard said opening the door wide enough so that Bert could get in. Bert looked out the window watching the snow fall on the street. Gerard soon came in with a cup of coffee that he handed to Bert
"Thank you, ok. So we've been friends our whole life right." Bert said
"Yea? Bert what's wrong?" Gerard asked he was standing in front of Bert confused as hell.
"Gerard I know you don't like dating but ok how do I say this... I like you like a lot." Bert blerted Geard was in total shock. Now Gerard would be lying if he said that he didn't find Bert attractive but he never would have guessed that Bert liked him. "Also you are standing underneath mistletoe." Without a blink of an eye Bert then kissed Gerard. Everything was going to fast. Gerard was to busy kissing Bert to realize that Frank was outside on his lawn in total heartbreak.
Frank saw the scene of the two boys kissing and he realized he was to late he should've known that someone would've taken Gerard. He felt tears start to stream down his face while he ran home to rethink everything he had done. And the only thought that Frank had was "fuck the holidays"

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