It's not called being egotistical, it's called stating facts

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                   "Hey wanta come home with me?" Frank asked as he sat next to Gerard at the lunch table."
                  "Bow Chica wow wow." Pete mocked. Which ended up with Gerard giving him a death stare, meanwhile frank just laughed.
               "Yea sure. It's about time I meet the women who made a huge mistake." Gerard joked.
             "Well if I'm a mistake I'm the best fucking mistake this world has ever seen." Frank said.
             "You sure do have an ego."
            "It's not called being egotistical, it's called stating facts. And the fact of the matter is I'm amazing." Frank joked. Which made everyone at the table laugh even bob.
                  Last period was over. Gerard met frank outside of school. They both went on one of those big yellow crappy as heterosexual buses.
              "This bus would look a lot better with a coffee machine." Gerard said.
              "You would look a lot better with one too."
            "We already know I'm fabulous." Frank just laughed really hard in response. The two boys sat in two seater that Frank usual sat in alone. The two boys just talked about random shit on the ride there.
               "Welcome to me casa." Frank greeted as he unlocked the door to his house. His mom came in. "Gerard meet my mother. Aka the women who created this short stump of sexiness you see here."
                 "Frankie shut up, lying is gonna send you to hell. Anyways nice to meet you Gerard. I always love meeting my sons new boyfriends." Gerard then all of a sudden turn red. As did Frank.
                "MOM HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Frank yelled in embarrassment sound like every teenage girl ever known.
                "Doesn't mean I can't ship it." Frank's Mom joked.

Another really short chapter I'm sorry. Anyways Yea see ya ~Ian

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