Chapter One

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*Macy's POV*

I locked my locker after i put all my stuff that i won't need inside. I sighed as i heard some people whispers bad stuff about me. I turned around walking away, ignoring them. They don't know a thing about me, they heard rumors and believe them instantly and think that i'm actual a weird person. I don't even know where they get this rumors from. Probably from my bullies, they make something up and tell everyone and the whole school believes them.

I suddenly tripped and fall hard on the ground making me groan. Everyone laughs as they saw me in pain. What's so fucking funny with that? I looked up and see my bully's donkey-looking-like face. He had a smirk on his stupid face as he look down on me. I stood up, dusting off my black pants. I looked at him emotionless, not wanting him to see me in pain. I'm actually good at hiding emotions, whatsoever if i say so myself.

He nodded his head on me, "hey there, fugly"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him in annoyance "what do you want?" I said bluntly.

He tilted his head, rubbing his chin pretending to think "hmm, probably for you to kill yourself" he snickered, his 'boys' laughed behind him.

I rolled my eyes "don't worry, pretty soon i'll be gone and your wish will come true" that's all i said before i walked out leaving them silent. I may have said that, but i didn't mean it. I wouldn't dare to kill myself. The whole world may hate me but i have a dream that i want to come true. Suicide is not the answer, even if i get bullied or beat up everyday. I may not having a great life right now but that doesn't mean it will stay like this forever. I believe that one day, everything will change, change for the better.

"Soon? Why not now?!" I heard Sam, my bully shouted behind. I didn't answer him but continue to walk out of the school.


I opened our front door and ran straight upstairs to my room. I don't want to face anyone right now.

"Macy, your home! Do you want to eat? I made your favorite chicken alfredo?" I heard my dad says. Honestly, i don't even know if he loves me. He acts nice to me like as a father treat their daughter,. Or maybe he's just doing that because he felt bad that my own mother and brothers hates me. Yes, they don't really like me. Not even a bit.

"No, i'm fine." I simply said before i rushed to my room at the end of the hallway. My room is far away from theirs, i picked it for me and quite happy Austin, my dad agreed.

I locked my door and flop down on my bed, but as soon as my back hit my soft flushy bed, i winced. I slowly stood up and looked at my back on my mirror's reflection. I had a cut and bruises where i got from Sam and his bulldogs the other day they beat me. Not only at my back i have bruises and cuts but on my whole body, i just hide them by wearing sweaters, jacket, and sweatshirts.

I sighed, i sit down on my desk and logged on to my facebook with my laptop. I didn't bother to open my notifications and messages because i knew already what's on there. I scroll through my news feeds and saw a post from Sam Maxwell: hangin' out at the park, come join ladies ;)

He's fucking cheap. He's so proud of having many girls sleeping with him, thinking he's so cool and handsome. He's really not. He's like a cheap product that have so many buyers, and that buyers are the hoes he slept with.

So he's out there at the park? This is probably the perfect time to pull a revenge on him. I know, that i should not do this because it'll end up worse. No, the way he treat me right now, there's nothing worser than that.

I ran down the stairs, pulling my hoodie up to my head. I saw Austin at the corner of my eye, i ignored him and went straight to the front door. "Macy, where are you going?" I heard him said, curiously.

"Out" i simply said before shutting the door closed. I looked at my wrist watch, it's only 6 pm, i still have a few time to prank Sam before the darkness comes. I bet this is gonna end good, but bad for me but i don't care, he deserve what's coming for him. He shouldn't have treated me the way he treat me now.

I looked around the abandoned park where Sam and he's buddies is. I saw them from the afar, sitting on a seesaw and swing. I squinted my eyes a little to see if Sam was there. I couldn't see their faces too well because it's a little bit darker now than before i left my house. I spotted Sam with his signature style and the smoke coming out from his mouth. He looked so content, i don't even know if this guy will have a good future. He's almost failed all of his subjects and always cutting classes. How is he going to graduate and have a future if he's irresponsible like that. I felt bad for his parents, they are probably working their ass off just to give him everything he wants and so he can go to school. He doesn't deserve them.

I ran quietly towards behind the bushes and hide. I sneak a peek over them and they were too busy drinkingand laughing their asses off about something stupid probably. I looked around and spotted his beautiful, baby car parked a few meters aways from me. Ooh, i would love to scratch that shiny car. And that's probably what i will do.

A/N: so this is the first chapter (obviously) so, i hope you guys liked it. Sorry if i have some gramatically incorrect, if it ain't obvious yet i'm not an american so english is not my first language so whatsoever.

Plus, i was @kidrauhltalent i forgot my password there, that's why i haven't updated my story there. I'll probably re-make that story and post it here, idk. Im not yet sure. But for now, i'mma focus on this story so...

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Thank you! - Ms. Potato Head

IG: whosjcd :)

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