Chapter Twenty

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*Macy's POV*

"There you are" i heard Markis voice said, i turned my head and faced him.

"Hey there" i greeted him, connecting our fists together.

"Okay, i want to tell you something" he said, leaning his side on the locker crossing his arms.

"Okay, i'm all ears" i said, putting my books inside the locker.

"When i was at my Math class, i've met a girl who- what the fuck is that?" He said, rasing his voice as his eyes widened.

"What?" I asked, not knowing what he just saw. He walked closer to me, grabbing the back of my head and tilting it to the side, staring down on my neck.

"Who gives you this nasty hickey?" He asked, in all curiousity. Oh my meatballs, a hickey?! How did i not see that?

I pushed his hand off me and swung my locker open, looking through my reflection at the mirror that was taped up on my locker. My eyes widened as i saw a nasty bruise on my neck.

"What the-" i rubbed it with my fingers, trying to remove it but of course it wouldn't duhh. I glanced at Markis, who had his eyebrows raised, giving me a 'tell-me-what-i-dont-know-now' look.

I sighed "I burned my self last night with my hair curler, i didn't expect it would look like this" i lied smoothly but he didn't bought it.

"It more looks like a hickey not a fucking iron burn, Mace. I know what hickies looks like. Now cut the lies and tell me who you hooked up with last night" he said, sternly.

I gasped "i didn't hooked up with- how could you even think like that! Is that how you think of me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Pssh, not saying that. I'm asking you who gave you that" he pressed, staring at me making me lean back on the locker.

"I'm telling the truth!" I said loudly, he just rolled his eyes.

"You know liars go to hell"

"I'm not lying"

"Yes you are. I'm you're bestfriend and bestfriends shouldn't be keeping secrets to each other" he replied.

I sighed, i guess he's right. But he'd definitely lash out if i tell him it was Jason.

"Spill it out!" He snapped

"It was Jason!" I raised my voice, covering my face with my hands.

"Okay, see? It's that simple" i heard him said. I uncovered my face, looking at him quite shock.

"You're not mad?" I asked,

"That bruise he left on you is better than a bruise from a punch. Still, can't believe you hooked up with a killer" he said, i hit his chest.

"I didn't hooked up with him, dickhead" i said, through my gritted teeth.


"Now, what about the girl you're going to tell me?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, about the girl in my math class, i want you to meet her and tell me what you think about her" he said, swinging his arm around my shoulder.

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