Chapter Six

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*Macy's POV*

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Jason fucking McCann" Sam said in amusement, a smirk curled up into his thin lips. Jason? So that's his name. Ha! Took me a day to know his name, thanks Sam.

Jason turned his back on me and faced Sam. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Samantha fucking Brooks" he mocked him, making all the blood rushed into Sam's face.

"The fuck did you call me, McCann?"

"Samantha, isn't that what your name stands for?" Jason chuckled, it almost sounded insane and creepy. I can feel already there's something off with him.

I laughed at his comment, making their heads both turned to me. Damn, i laugh at the wrong moment but that just me. Can't help it.

"Shut the fuck up, you slut. Before i shove my fists down to your throat" Sam threatened me. I snapped my mouth closed but i was still dying of laughter inside. In a quick motion, Jason suddenly shove Sam against the locker, his right hand grips tightly on Sam's neck.

Blood rushed all together on Sam's face making him all go red. The veins popped out of Jason's arm and hand as his grip tightens. Sam couldn't do anything but hold on to Jason's arm trying to push it away but he's getting weaker and weaker. Everyone watched in terror as they witness Sam getting choked on to death by Jason. No one even dared to pull him away, everyone is too scared to move.

"Whoa okay,stop! Let him go" i finally said, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind, trying to pull him away. But of course, i can't do that, he's ten times stronger than me.

"If you dare to talk to her, lay a hand on her or even look at her. I swear to god, i'll make you wish you weren't born" he growled lowly, but loud enough for us to hear. "And believe me when i say it" his other hand grips on his hair tightly, tilting Sam's head to look him dead in the eye. "I'll blow your fucking brains out. Don't talk to me or her, don't even go near us. And if i caught you, you wouldn't want to know what will happen" Jason threatened, an evil smirk played on his lips. The look on his face makes everyone wanna run and hide away from him.

"Jason, stop! You're killing him!" I tried to pull his hands away from Sam's throat, that looks just about to die. Oxygen are running out of his lungs and i don't know how long he can take it before he collapse. I didn't want him to kill him.

Finally, Jason let's go and Sam falls on the ground, making a loud thud. He coughs and breathed heavily. Jason kneeled down to Sam's level before saying "do you understand?"

Sam nodded, tears were filling his eyes as his body shakes in fear, trying to collect an oxygen back on his lungs. I've never seem him like this before. I thought. Jason left a dark hand print brusie on Sam's neck. I started to feel bad, but i think he deserve it from everything he's done to me. But still, i pity him.

"Okay um, everyone! Get back to minding your own business now, show's over!" I shouted, shooing the scared students. They hand their heads down, not daring to look at Jason as they ran away.

Me and Jason were the only left in the hallway as Sam get dragged by his friends. They didn't even said a word to me or Jason, not even look.

I looked at his now relaxed blank face as if nothing happened. At least, Sam and his bulldogs wouldn't treat me like shit now right? I usually have something to say but right now, my mind can't think of something to talk about. Maybe i should just leave? I wouldn't want to annoy him, he might snap and choke me too.

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