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back again lol. oh, and i know this isnt exactly what goes on in the show. bUT this is my book and im gonna write it how i wANT. lol

The blue lion landed on a strange planet, in front of a white and blue building. Everyone had gotten out, and started walking inside. "You know if your scared (Y/n), you can always hold my hand~" Lance flirted as he walked beside you. "Lance, now's not the time," Shiro said as we walked into the dark building.

"Helloooo," Hunk shouted, making us turn to him. "What? It was was worth a shot," He stated in defense. I smiled towards him, but my attention was soon towards a hallway that was being lit up by lights. "I guess we go that way," Pidge mumbled as we started down the hall. I stayed beside Lance as we walked, slightly scared that something would pop out and attack us.

We soon entered a room with a control panel, and two pods. "I wonder how this works," Pidge immediately walked over to the control panel, and hit a button. As soon as she did, one of the pods opened. "Father!" A lady, looking to be in her early twenties, fell out of the pod. Lance, already standing by the pod, caught her. "Who are you? Where am I?" She asked, looking panicked. "The name's Lance, and you're right here in my arms~" I groaned and crossed my arms, looking the other way. When I glanced over at the two, and almost fell to the floor laughing. "Your ears, they're hideous! What's wrong with them?!" She pushed him away and looked at the rest of us. "Who are all you people?!"
She started to freak out and go into defense mode. I don't blame her though, I would have done the same thing. "Relax, we don't know why we're here either. This blue lion-" "Blue lion?!" The lady raced to the controls, opening the the other pod up. A man looking in his forties jumped out, kicking the air. Him and Lance then started to talk about fighting moves. "No..this can't be..Coran, we've been asleep for 10,000 years!" I looked at her, wide eyed as she spoke to the other alien. After Lance had spoken to the woman, I was annoyed. I couldn't figure out why though. "My name is Allura, princess of Altea, and this is Coran," she suddenly introduced her self, and the man behind her. Shiro walked up and shook hands. "My name is Shiro. This is Pidge, Hunk, Lance, Keith, and (Y/n)," He stated as he pointed to us. Allura stared, then walked up to me. "Its nice to meet you all. (Y/n), is your name, correct?" She asked, looking right at me. "Uh..yeah. Hi," I mumbled and looked to the floor. She stared at me for a second or two longer, then went on to explain what had happened to her planet.

♤ I love time skips my friends ♤

Allura brought up a huge, 3D map of space as she spoke. She looked at everyone, and explained why each of us would piolet a lion. "Now, (Y/n)...There is not another lion to Voltron. You don't have a lion to pilot," Everyone turned to me, as I shrugged, still annoyed from before. "Less work for me. I don't mind," I grumbled in reply. "(Y/n) could help us around this ship instead! We could always use and extra hand!" I turned and looked at Coran, smiling slightly at his attempt to make me feel included. "Thanks Coran, I'll help out as much as I can," I smiled slightly, seeing Lance frown from the corner of my eye.

Allura gave everyone directions on where to find their lions. Keith and I stayed behind at the castle while everyone searched. It was kind of relaxing, after all thats happened so far. "Hey, you holding up okay?" Keith took a seat beside me. I had found the kitchen, so I decided to sit down. "Yeah, I'm alright. How are you doing?" I put my head down as I spoke, hopeing he could still hear me. "I'm alright. I was asking you, because you've seemed annoyed since Allura woke up. Do you not like her?" He asked, as he put his head down beside mine. "No, it's not that. Allura is nice. I just got annoyed after Lance started flirting with her. I don't know why, it's not like I have feelings for him or anything," I shut my eyes while I spoke. I heard Keith move his chair, then felt him place his arms around me. Keith was always like a brother to me. We used to joke and tell everyone we were related, and people believed us. After that, we kinda stuck with it. "Who knows, (Y/n/n). Maybe you do have feelings and you don't realize it," he joked. I sighed and kept my eyes shut. "You're tired, aren't you? I can see if Allura or Coran have somewhere comfortable to sleep," Keith suggested, as he started to get up. "It's fine, don't bother. We should probably get up and help them since we don't have anything better to do," I mumbled, sitting up. Keith quickly moved away, and stood up, pushing his chair in. "You sure you don't want to rest?" He asked as I stood up beside him. "Yeah, I'm alright. Let's just go and see if anyone needs help," I mumbled as I pushed my chair in.


Word Count: 928

hey everyone, how's it going? good? good. hopr you enjoyed and i'll see everyone later.

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