Happy Birthday (Y/n)!

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hey guYs! heres a birthday oneshot for the amazing youtubeia23 ! if its your birthday as well, then happy birthday to you too!

((lemme know if i made a mistake, i didnt check before publishing

My eyes fluttered open, waking up from my sleep. I sat up, looking at the clock.

9:03 AM

I scratched my stomach and got up for the day. Once I got dressed, I walked out into the hall, and towards the kitchen.

'This is odd..it's really quiet today. Did everyone sleep in?'

I walked into the kitchen, and sae Hunk. He had his back turned as he was making something. "Morning Hunk, how are you?" I must have scared him, because what ever he was holding, flew up into the air. It looked like icing. The "icing" got all over Hunk, and the area where he was working. "(Y-Y/n)?! Why are you here?!" He looked panicked, as he shielded the food he was making. "I was hungry. Also, do you know where everyone went? They seem to have disappeared," I looked around, seeing if there was anyone else who happened to be in the room. "Nope, don't know ehat your talking about!" Hunk rushed over and started pushing me out of the room. "Don't go looking for them either! M-Maybe they went in a mission!" I put my hands on the door frame, to stop him from moving me any further. "What mission would they go on with out you?! Your the yellow paladin! What if they need Voltron?" I snapped back, trying to stay put. Hunk may be innocent, but he was tough.

"They can form Voltron without me!"

"No they can't Hunk!"

We both started laughing at this point.

"They can use a ship as a leg!"

I was laughing so hard, I lost my grip, and went flying out of the room. Hunk was laighing too, as I sat up. "They aren't in here, I promise!" He slammed the door shut, as I stood. I giggled snd walked away, to the training room. Maybe Keith was in there or something.

"Hello? Keith?" I walked into the training room, seeing it was empty. I pouted,turning around to walk away, but before I left, I heard squeaking. When I turned back around, I saw the space mice sitting, and waving at me. I couldn't exactly understand them like Allura, but they tried their best to communicate with me.

"Hey guys! What are you all doing in here?" I smiled and sat down in front of them. they jumped around, and stood on top of each other. I gave them a confused look. "I don't think I understand guys, sorry. Oh, that reminds me. Can you tell me where everyone went? Or at least where Lance is? I thought I would have found him by now. I found Hunk earlier, but he kicked me out of the kitchen prettu quickly," I looked back at the door, and the mice freaked out. The jumped on my shoulders and either covered my eyes, or make frantic gestures telling me not to leave.

"Oh, so I have to stay here?" They nodded, and smiled. "Alright then, I guess there's a reason behind it. I mind as well train then," I mumbled, starting to get up. The mice freaked out, and shook their heads. Almost as to tell me to relax. "Okay, okay then. You just want me to relax?" They nodded, and told me to stay put. They soon ran off and out of the room.

I sighed as I twirled my hair in my fingers. No one was here, the mice had left, and I wasn't allowed to train, or really do anything. I sighed as I frowned, not enjoying this at all. Soon, the mice scrambled back into the room, holding my hairbrush, some clips, and hairties, pretty much all of my hair accessories. I smiled as the mice quickly got to work on my hair. I didn't know the occasion, but it seemed nice that they were doing it for me. All I would have done was brush it.

The mice had braided it, and pulled it into a bun. It sat nicely on top of my head. They held uo a mirror for ke, so I could see. Once I did, I gasped, and smiled. "Thank you guys! I love it!" They cheered, as I giggled. Once we all calmed down, their ears perked up. Soon, they ran out the door as fast as possible.

"W-Wait, hey! Where are you going?" I then ran after them, not wanting to be alone anymore. It wasn't long after, I had lost them. I slowed down my running, to a walk, as I looked around. "God, this sucks. No one's here. I'm all alone..." I walked down the hall, still searching for signs of life. "Maybe Hunk is still in the kitchen..."

I stood in front of the kitchen door, catching my breath. I decided to run down here, wanting to see a friendly face sooner, then later. Once I was good, I walked in, to see it pitch black. "Hello? Hunk? You still in here?" I flicked on the lights, to still see no one. I sighed, going to turn back. As soon as I did, I heard yelling.


There, stood everyone. I almost fell backwards, from a heart attack. "W-What?!" I looked at everyone, confused as hell. I backed into the kitchen, more, so they could walk in as well. "Why are you saying happy birthday?" Lance came over and pecked my cheek. "Cause it's your birthday, silly girl! It says so in the calender," He handed me a small calender, having me check it. Sure enough, it read it was my birthday. "I didn't even realize it," I set the calender on the counter. I then noticed a cake with (f/c) frosting. "Aw, Hunk, is this what you were making this morning?" I smiled, as he blushed. "Yeah, it was. We were all supposed to hide from you today, and I didn't think you would be in the kitchen as soon as you were," We all laughed at his statement.

"You guys didn't really have to do this for me," I told them, as I ate the slice of cake in front of me. "Well, your apart of the team, and your our friend. We wanted to do something special for you," Shiro smiled, as Keith nodded. "We wanted to throw an amazing party, for an amazing person," I blushed when he said that, making Lance mad. "Stop flirting with my girlfriend Keith! Go get your own!" The two started bickering, making everyone roll their eyes. No one was too upset though.

I laid in Lance's bed tonight, as he was gettung ready for bed. It didn't take him long though. He soon climbed in, and instantly wrapped his arms around me. I pulled the obers up to our shoulders, as he snuggled his face in the crook of my neck. "Did you have a good brithday, baby doll?" I smiled, and replied. "Yes, I did. I'm glad I'm with you guys to celebrate it. Thank you." He kissed my neck, before looking up at me. "Good. I'm glad it was a good birthday for you," He shifted around, then held my head close to his chest. His other arms wrapped around my waist. My eyes started drooping, as he kissed the top of my head. "Sleep tight, baby girl. I'll see you in the morning," I smiled, and let myself drift to sleep.

Word Count: 1,241

hey guys, its 1 am :) happy birthday friend :)))) i hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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