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just by living im hurting them another day
hundreds lie; all i do is ruin everything
nobody wanted me; no one barely needing me~
if only i could live in the kind of world i dreamed.

I sighed with relief,as I finished the final blanket. Currently, I had six blankets, and four pillows made for the mice. 'They'll be so glad that I've finally finished," I thought to myself on how the mice would react, smiling in the process. my thoughts were soon interrupted when I heard Coran call me. "(Y/n) you should join us in the dining room! I made something for you guys!" Coran raced off, trying not to dump the plate all over the floor.

I hurried after him, to see what it was he made. When I entered, Hunk, Keith, Allura, Lance and Coran were in the room. Coran shoved a plate and a fork in my face. I moved my face and looked at Hunk, who was making motions with his hands. If I was right, he was telling me not to eat this stuff. I turned back to Coran, as he tried to shove the "food" in my mouth. "Uh..I'll pass Coran. I'm not really hungry," I put my hands up and smiled, avoiding the strange looking food. He grumbled and walked away, making me feel bad.

"You know you dodged a bullet there, (Y/n). His stuff tastes a little...weird. If you're hungry though, I'll make you something!" Hunk came over and put his hand on your shoulder as he spoke. I turned and looked up at Hunk, smiling. "Yeah, alright. Thank you," Hunk smiled down at me. Someone started coughing, and I turned to see it was Lance. He then walked over and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. "I'm sure she would love that. But right now, we have to do something," Lance grabbed my wrist and started to drag me out of the room, but was stopped by the alarms blaring. Allura pulled the screen down, and we saw a small alien running up to the castle. "Aw, he's so cute!" I stated, making Lance grumble. "He could be dangerous," Keith commented. "We are to help every creature in need, Keith. They look harmless anyway," Allura turned to look at Keith. "We should go out and ask what he needs," We all agreed and walked outside to see the alien. Lance let go of my wrist and grabbed my hand instead. I blushed pink, but quickly focused my mind on the alien.

"Hello there! We can see you, you know," Allura smiled snd waved at the Alien in the bushes. I stepped forward, looking at him. "It's okay! You can come out," I smiled as well, and the alien popped out and pointed his sword at me. "My name is Klaizap. I'm our village's strongest soldier!" He stuck his sword out further, making me take a step back. Keith pulled his bayard out angrily. "Drop your weapon," Keith glared down at Klaizap. "Keith!" Allura exclaimed. "Klaizap doesn't drop his weapon!" I put a hand on Keith's shoulder. I felt him relax, and he moved his bayard to his side.

"Where is your village, and why have you decided to come here?" Allura asked, curiously. I felt Lance grip my hand tighter, as Klaizap spoke. "My village is over that hill, and we don't know why the goddess is angered," Klaizap pointed to a rock, that had a picture on it. The picture just so happened to look like Voltron. I looked up at Lance, seeing him start to laugh. "Psst, Allura, I think he's talking about Voltron," Hunk whispered loudly to Allura. She nodded, and bent down to the small alien. "My name is Princess Allura, and these are some of the paladins of Voltron. I'm the one who rules this castle," She smiled, and the alien immediately bowed down. After she dismissed his act, he stood up and pointed at me.

"Is she a paladin too? She's dressed differently," He gave me a strange look. I giggled and answered him. "I'm not, unfortunately. I just stick around to help out," He nodded at my response. "Klaizap likes those who can help out as nuch as they can," He gave me a stern look, yet showing that he respects what I do. "Come. I will show you to my village," Klaizap turned around and marched to his village.

Lance still held my hand, as the aliens danced an apology dance. Moments before, the almost sacrificed themselves, but Allura quickly told them the dance was fine. "Hey, um, I need to talk to you," Lance whispered in my ear, making me blush. "Y-Yeah, okay. Now?" I turned and looked at him. "No, let's talk later. In private," He had a tint of pink in his cheeks. "Alright," He squeezed my hand, reassuring me that I was going to be fine. Soon, we heard Shiro saying we needed Voltron. Lance quickly ran to his lion, dragging me with him.

"Lance! I don't think I can go with you, shouldn't you leave me behind?!" I shouted, over all the noise. "It's fine, I'll keep you safe!" He said as we were in the castle, running towards the hangars. "Grab ahold of my waist," I did as he told me too, and we flew down and into the small aircraft.

Once we entered Blue, and Lance sat down, I held onto the back of his seat, tightly. He soared into the sky, meeting up with everyone else. "Guy's, we gotta figure out how to- (Y/n)?! Why are you with Lance?" Shiro appeared on the dashboard, and looked shocked to see me. "Relax, she's fine. She won't get hurt!" Lance grinned and waved him off. Soon, Keith appeared. "Lance, this isn't funny! She isn't prepared to go out for battle, and doesn't know how to fight. This is extremely dangerous for her!" "Welp, I can't take her back now! I'll keep her safe, don't worry," Lance turned and looked up at me, grinning still.

"It would be nice if we formed Voltron, and she could somehow make her way through the robot and into Shiro's lion," Pidge came into veiw, looking annoyed. Before Lance could say anything, I spoke up. "I trust Lance to take care of me. If he let's me get hurt, I'll beat him up for it!" Everyone laughed at my comment, including Lance. "Good thing you're not gonna be injured then," Lance chuckled.

Word Count: 1090

merry easter guys, its a day late i know. Im back from my trip, and my legs are messed up from sliding on carpet too much. i also scraped my knee today, so yeah. we have thAt as well. sorry this is late as well. i'm working on the nect chapter now. l8er dudes

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