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alright, thanks to the help of a friend, ive got the overall ending planned. but, i dunno if i make multiple books, or just this one. i dunno yet. btw, check out the song. my (different) friend showed me it. its chill 👌🏻👌🏻

"Haggar..?" Lance asked, helping me up off the floor. "Yes, she said she was gonna get me. I-I don't know if she's attacking me, or gonna get back at me, for whatever I did wrong, I don't know!" I looked at him, wide eyed and scared. Keith walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. "Let's just get you to your room. We'll handle this in the morning," I nodded, feeling relieved, until Hunk spoke up. "What if Zarkon and them are on their way now?" "They aren't. I doubt it," Pidge adjusted her glasses. "(Y/n), how about you stay with Lance for tonight, and we will all be on alert in case something happens," Allura smiled, and I nodded. I turned and looked up at Lance, seeing him blush red. "Unless, (Y/n), you feel more comfortable staying with Keith tonight?" Pidge smirked, as Lance got angry. "She can stay with me, thats fine," Keith shrugged, as Lance turned and started to yell at him. "She's MY girlfriend and you can't have her! She's staying with me! I can protect her better then you!" He grabbed my wrist and walked out of the room. Before he left, I turned and said 'Thank you,' so I didn't seem rude.

I laid in Lance's bed, all tucked in, while he walked around getting himself ready for bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Haggar. 'Maybe it was just a dream..but then that doesn't explain how I got in the kitchen. Did I sleepwalk? I've never done it before,' I looked over at Lance, who finished putting cream on his face. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. He quickly turned and shut the light off, getting into bed beside me. "If you want, I can sleep on the floor, or something," He offered, and I shook my head. "No, stay here please," I mumbled. He wrapped his arms around me, and held me close. It was quiet for awhile, and I thought Lance fell asleep. I was starting to drift off as well, but he started to talk. "I will protect you, you know that, right?"


"I would never let her get you,"

"I know,"

"If she lays a finger on you I swear-"

"Let's just go to sleep, Lance. I already feel better being beside you,"


I closed my eyes, and felt him adjust himself so he was comfortable. I smiled when I felt his breathing slowed. Once I knew he was asleep, I opened my eyes again. The thought of Haggar was keeping me awake. I didn't want her to come for me. 'It would waste the time of the paladins, in my opinion,' My eyes wandered to my sleeping boyfriend. 'What if she doesn't come for me..but for one of the paladins? Oh god, I hope not,' I held onto Lance's shirt tightly, closing my eyes. I buried my head into his shirt as well, careful not to wake him. 'I hope it's not true, I hope she doesn't come here. I don't want Lance, or anyone else here to get hurt. I would rather her take me, so that Voltron wouldn't suffer,' I opened my eyes again, and sighed. 'Stop thinking so negatively. Lance cares about you, you would affect him, and then Voltron wouldn't be able to form. You matter, right? If they didn't need you, they would just send you off on your way, right?'

Hours passed, and I still couldn't sleep. I was scared that if I fell asleep, Haggar would haunt me. If I didn't sleep, like now, then Lance might get upset. I twisted and turned, trying to get comfortable, yet trying to make sure Lance was asleep. Every now and then, I would drift off, but then wake up 20 minutes or so later. It was one of those nights. "(Y/n), you still haven't fallen asleep yet?" Lance's voice startled me. "Yeah...How long have you been awake?" I turned to look at him, and saw him rub his eyes as he looked down at me. "About 5 minutes or so. Why can't you sleep? Is it still cause of Haggar?"
"Sort of. It was at first, but then it just became one of those nights where you can't stay asleep,"
"Ahh. Yeah, those nights really suck. I'm sorry you can't sleep, baby. Want me to stay up with you?" I blushed as he spoke, and buried my face into his shirt. "No, that's alright, thank you though!" He chuckled and put one hand on my back, and one on my head, keeping me close. "Just try to sleep. I'm right here if you need me," With that, he closed his eyes again, and fell asleep. Shortly after, I did the same.

I awoke to Lance shaking me, telling me breakfast was ready. I rubbed my eyes, as he helped me out of bed. "Tired from last night?" He asked, holding my hand as we walked down the hall. I was dressed in one of Allura's old nightgowns, while Lance had his regular clothes on. "Yeah, but I'll be able to do whatever you guys need me to do!" I smiled, and Lance chuckled in return. Soon, we reached the dining room, where everyone was already at.

"Sleep well, (Y/n)?"  Shiro asked, as we sat down. I shook my head no, as Hunk set down a plate of something he made. "I tried to use ingredients that looked, and tasted what you would use in eggs and bacon, or something. I hope you like it!" I smiled up at Hunk, thanking him, and started to eat. No surprise, it was delicious. "So, if I can, I would like to discuss what happened to (Y/n) last night," Allura spoke, making everyone turn to me. I blushed out of embarrassment, and put my fork down. "Once you're done, I mean. You can finish eating!" Allura gave me a look of sympathy, and a silent apology. "Yeah, okay. Thank you," I looked down at my food, feeling guilty. 'Maybe I should have kept quiet about the Haggar thing. I'm sure it was nothing important,' I broke away from my thoughts, and looked up to see everyone gone. Lance was the only person to stay behind. "You'll be alright. I'll make sure you'll always be okay!" He smiled down at me, reassuring me that I was safe.


Word Count: 1,072

:)) oh yeah, reader is safe. for now :))

school ends this week, thank god. I can't take anymore of this. i heard high school gets better though. i dunno. have a nice night.

also, i didnt preview through to make sure everything is spelled right. sorry

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