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I sat in the middle of the couch, while everyone sat around me, or stood in front of my. Lance sat close to me, while Pidge, Keith, and Hunk sat farther down. Allura stoof beside Shiro, and Coran hadn't showed up yet. He said he needed to fix something. "(Y/n), please tell us all what happened last night," Allura smiled, and I looked around nervously.

"I was with Lance last night, but I left quickly to get some water. As I was walking, I started to feel uneasy. It felt like something was moving in the shadows. When I got to the kitchen, the feeling got worse. I quickly grabbed a cup, but before I could pour the water, everything went black. Then, Haggars face showed up, and told me she was coming for me." I summed up what happened, and blushed from embarrassment. Lance placed a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up. He smiled, reassuring me. "Not to sound rude, but, you don't pilot a lion, or have special powers, so why would Haggar come after you?" Lance glared at Hunk, while everyone just looked at him. "Honestly, thats what I was thinking." Everyone turned to me now. "Hunk's right. I dont pilot a lion, I can't fly the ship or anything, I don't havr powers, I'm just...not special," Lance grabbed both of my shoulders and quickly turned me his way. He looked me deep in the eyes as he talked. "Of course you're special! You mean a lot to all of us, especially me!" I smiled, and he smiled back to me. "Actually, I have a feeling that (Y/n) is very important to this fight. I don't know what yet, but we'll figure it out," Allura spoke up now, and she surprised me with what she said. Pidge adjusted her glasses, and came up with a theory. "So, let's say Allura is right. That (Y/n), has powers or something that we don't know about. Maybe Haggar knows about them, and we don't yet? (Y/n), do you remember anything from your childhood that may seem strange?" I closed my eyes and tried to think back. "No, All of my memories are when I'm around 6 or 7," I replied, opening my eyes again. "Weird. Humans start to remember things at about 2-4 years old. Yet, your earliest memory is from when you are 6." Everyone started to agree with Pidge, and throw in some memories from when they were little. "Alright, so (Y/n), what exactly was that memory?" Shiro asked, as everyone quieted down. I hummed as I thought back. "I used to call my parents by their name, instead of Mom or Dad. It took me awhile to start calling them that," The more I listened to myself talk, the more strange I sounded. "I mean, I always thought that I was just young, and learned it off of other adults," I started to mumble and look to the floor. "Well, what if they aren't your real parents?"

My eyes widened and my head shot up towards Allura. "I wonder if somehow, someone was able to erase your early memories, and then sent you to the parents you have now," I looked back to the floor, my mind racing. "Allura, if thats true, thats a lot to drop on her at once," Keith spoke quietly, as Lance leaned down beside me. "(Y/n)..?" He grabbed a hold of my hand. "So, Allura...are you saying that the people on Earth..I called my parents...aren't even mine..?" Everyone went quiet. "I..I'm sorry, (Y/n). I only meant that it was a possibility!" "Allura, you freaked her out! That's not cool," Lance looked up at Allura, getting a little upset. "It's just...I feel like I remember you from somewhere. When I was a little girl,"

I looked up at her, confused. "Do I look like a childhood friend or something..?" Allura nodded to my question. "I'm sorry that I freaked you out, (Y/n), but, I can't help but feel it's at least a small possibility," I nodded, and stood up. "(Y/n)?" Lance asked, as I started walking towards the door. "I'm just going to the kitchen," I replied, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

'So, of she's right...who are my real parents..?' I walked down the hall, thinking to my self. 'She always has seemed interested in me, but I just thought thats because I was human," I sighed and entered the kitchen, quickly walking over to the fridge. I looked around, but huffed when I didn't see anything that looked edible.

"Want me to make cookies?" I turned around to see Hunk, tying and apron on. I nodded, and jumped up on a counter to sit. "Y'know, I don't think Allura is right. On the whole, parents thing. Your parents would have told yoy of you came from space or something, right?" He grabbed his ingredients, and talked as he started to throw it all in a bowl. "If she is right, does that mean I'm an alien? Or, a monster..?" I looked down at my hands, hoping I was wrong. "A monster? Nah, but an alien? That would be cool. As long as you don't try to kill us or anything," He chuckled at his comment, which made me giggle. "Yeah, I wouldn't do that."

After Hunk baked his cookies, he handed one to me, and leaned against the counter. We chatted for a bit, till Lance walked in. "Hey Hunk," Lance waved, then looked at me. "Hello, sugar," He winked at me, and I blushed. "Hey man. I made cookies! Want one?" He offered, and Lance gladly took. Once he took a bite, he didn't stop. "Amazing as always. You really do impress me Hunk!" I smiled at the two friends, as they talked about his cooking. Once they were done, Lance turned to me. "So, (y/n/n)...what if Allura was right..?" I stared down at the floor, not knowing how to answer him. "I guess I would be alien then," I frowned, then started to worry if he would like me or not. "Well, if you are, you're no different. I still love you, for you," He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up and off the counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and legs around his hips. "Thanks Hunk, for the cookies," I waved as Lance also thanked him, walking out of the room.

Word Count: 1095

hey, sorry that took so long. i just jad my dance recital tonight, and didnt have much time before. Also, I'm trying to learn spanish now, so maybe once im decent at that, I'll include it in the story. i didnt check if everything was spelled right, sorry

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