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random song. enjoy

"Good job! We still have lots to work on, but this wasn't to bad!" Allura smiled at me, as I wiped my sweat away. "Tomorrow, we'll work on Level 2!" I smiled, as we walked out into the control room. Nobody was there, except Coran. "Hey! The paladins just left," Coran smiled at me as Allura ran up to her control system. "Paladins, how are things? What is the plan?" She spoke into the mic, and pulled up a screen, showing the team. Shiro started to talk, but Lance interrupted him. "Hey, where's my pretty lady?" Everyone goaned, and Allura pulled me up beside her. I blushed and looked away awkwardly. "Don't shy away, baby doll! We all wanna see your beautiful face!" I turned even redder as Allura sighed. "Lance, this is a very serious mission! Wait until after!" Keith yelled at Lance, and the two started to fight again. Then, I tried something. "Hey Lance? You know I love you very very much! Come back safe, okay?" I smiled and spoke in the cutest voice possible. Lance blushed a dark red. "Y-Yeah, a-alright, (Y/n/n). I will," I waved, then moved away from the screen. Allura silently thanked me, and I started to walk away. I didn't get far, because the castle started to shake. We all wobbled, and Coran grabbed my arm to stable us. "Are yoy guys okay?" I could hear Shiro ask, from the speaker. "Yes," Allura replied. "We're alright. We better start getting a plan together though, or else we won't last!" I decided to go back to training, since I wasn't needed here.

"Damn it!" I yelled, as the robot threw me across the room. I decided to put it on level 2, but I wasn't any good. I stood back up and attacked again. Instead of using a daggar, I switched to a staff this time. I know Allura said to get good with a weapon at first, but I wanted to switch to something that seemed more easier to use. The robot came to attack me one again, but I blocked it. I smiled, and turned to hit it. It didn't do much, but it made me happy. I giggled and laughed as I hit the robot, and blocked its attacks. Maybe next level, I'll try a sword. All I knew at the moment was 1, This was a lot of fun, amd 2, a daggar was not meant for me.

"(Y/n)! There you are!" I turned my head to see Allura, then was thrown against the wall by the robot. "End training sequence.." I spoke loud enough for it to hear me. I rubbed my head as the Altean princess ran over to me. "Iv'e been looking everywhere for you! Why are you training again?" She helped me up as she spoke. "Well, I figured I wasn't needed for the mission, you know?" She smiled, making me confused. "Oh, the mission is over. it was a success! We just figured you wpild want to greet everyone, and when we couldn't find you, we all got-"

"is shE IN HERE?!"

(makin this face lol)

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(makin this face lol)

Allura and me quickly turned our heads and saw Lance run into the room. We both looked at him, confused, and watches Keith walk in calmly behind him. He looked around, then at us. "mY BABY" He screeched and tackled me to the floor. "Lance, whAt tHe fuCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Pidge raced in after him, and dog piled on him. "Pidge, watch you language!" Shiro followed, and after him was Hunk and Coran. "Ooooo, dog pile!" Hunk started running toward us, making Allura run away. "hunk stoP YOU'RE GONNA CRUsH mE!" He slammed into us, making me groan, and the other two laugh. Pidge attempted to sit up, so she could see the rest of the crew clearly, but she could only see Shiro. She wiggled her hand out and offered it to him. "Cmon guys join in!" She laughed, as I started yelling. (jokingly, of course) He chuckled, and walked over and sat beside me. Lance couldn't turn to see Keith, but he knew he hadn't left. "kEitH yOUR muLLeT iS stUpiD!" I looked up at Shiro in fear, and he started laughing. "Keith's joining the party!" Shiro turned to me and smiled. I soon felt an extra weight, and the felt two more people on top of me. "Dog pile on (Y/n)!!" Lance announced. Everyone, including me, was laughing at this point.

"Was the mission easy? Or did it take a long time?" I sat on Lance's bed, as Lance stood and leaned against the wall. After the whole fiasco in the training room, Lance walked me back to his room. "This giant robot with long arms took a while to defeat, but we did it! Hunk used his bayard to create a large canon Voltron!" He smiled a huge smile, making me giggle. He smiled, and made his way to sit beside me. He took my hand in his, and I looked into his eyes. We both started blushing, then laughed. Once we settled down, he held my wrists, gently. "I love you. So much. You know that, right?" I giggled, and looked up into his eyes. "Yes, I do. Do you know how much I love you?" He frowned, and spoke quieter. "No, I don't think I do. You'll have to show me," He started laughing as I blushed. "God, your so cute," He commented, making mr blush even more. "I'm gonna go get some water, you want something to drink too?" I stood up, and walked towards the door as you spoke. "Water wouldn't be bad, thank you," I smiled and left the room, heading for the kitchen.

"...(Y/n)....(Y/...n).." I heard someone whispering my name every now and then, making mr turn around and look for a person. The voice didn't sound familiar, making me  freak out a little. "We'll.....together...soon," I stopped and realized that no one could be talking. I quickly walled into the kitchen, and grabbed two glasses. The minute the glasses touched the counter, it's as if everything went black. Haggar, stood close in front of you, smiling. "We'll be together soon, deary. Just you wait," I screamed and fell backwards, covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut. I breathed heavily, and soon, two hands grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from my face. I opened my eyes to see the lights on, and Lance in front of me. Around him, stood Keith and Shiro. I heard more footsteps enter the room as I shook. "Hey, hey, what's wrong? Why were you screaming, who made you cry?" Lamce looked at me im a panicked state. I looked up and saw Shiro and Keith looking concerned. I then turned back to Lance.

"I saw Haggar. She said she was coming to get me,"


Word Count: 1157

im too tired to re read everything amd make sure its all spelled right

sorry for the update taking so long, schools almost out though, which is great. im fuckin over school

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