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alright, here i am starting another story, even though i dont even update the other ones. bUT i barely see any Lance stories anywhere. so im gonna try one, maybe i'll make other voltron characters laTer. depending on how this goes down. i hope you enjoy this!!!

Key: (Y/n) = Your Name.
(Y/n/n) = Your nick name

"Lance, slow down!" I yelled as Pidge, Hunk and I raced to keep up with the boy. Apparently Lance's rival, Keith, was going in to save Shiro, and he wasn't having it. I remembered when Keith was still in school with us. We were pretty good friends, till he got booted. I don't think I can forget the time he-

Your thoughts were interrupted by seeing the man himself. You watched as Lance and Keith went over to help Shiro from the table. "Hey, (Y/Y/N)," You looked over at Keith, and smiled. "Hey. How's it been?" "Wait, you two are friends?!" Lance freaked out as you all walked over to Keith's vehicle.

Everyone piled on top, except you. Keith sat you in front of him as he started the engine up. "You can have a comfortable seat, since I like you," Keith said, as the vehicle rose up, and took off. "First, Keith tries to save Shiro, now he's trying to steal my girl?!" Lance started freaking out as I blushed. "Lance, would you shut the hell up? Big man lean left," Keith instructed, as we all went towards the left. All I could hear were crashes, yelling, and my heart beat at this point. "Keith, slow down! Wait..Keith stop it! We're gonna go over that cliff!" I screamed. I turned and looked up at Keith. He just smiled and sped up. I clung to him as we all screamed as we fell.

☆Time Skip☆

I was in the house with Lance, Pidge and Hunk while Keith went outside to talk to the senior officer. I looked over at Lance to see him talking quietly, and angrily to Hunk. Pidge walked over to me smirking. "In case you were wondering, He's mad that you sat up with Keith. I think he's jealous," Pidge smiled at me. "Really? In that case, I want to try something," I replied as I walked over to Lance. He immediately stopped talking to look at me.

"Lance, did you know me and Keith are dating?" Not gonna lie, it was hard to hold back my laugh. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! HIM?! WHY WOULD YOU DATE A MAN WITH A MULLET?! I MEAN, HE'S-" Lance was screaming at this point, and almost looked as if he would cry. "Lance, Lance! Calm down, I'm not actually dating him! I just wanted to see how you would react," I laughed as I stopped him mid sentence. Keith and Shiro came rushing in, looking panicked. "What's going on? Is everyone okay?" Shiro asked, looking around. "Everything's fine Shiro, (Y/n) just pulled a small prank is all," Hunk quickly covered Lance's mouth, so Lance would stop screaming. I giggled and turned to Shiro and Keith. Keith walked up to his board and started to explain how he finds a certain area suspicious.

■Another time skip cause im not having the best night■

"Whoa...what the..," I mumbled as I walked beside Lance into the mysterious caves. Lance stopped to touch the wall, as I walked a little further. Soon enough, the cave lit up and the ground beneath us fell apart. We screamed as we fell down what looked like a slide. We landed into a water, which surprised me. I couldn't get a quock enough breath, so when I hit the water, I took a mouthful of it. I lifted my head and started to cough violently. "(Y/n), you okay?" Pidge asked, giving me her hand. I grabbed it as she helped me up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you," I said as we started walking.

What we saw, was unexpected. A large, blue machine had been sitting there, in a blue shield."Hey, does anyone feel like the eyes are following them?" Lance asked as he walked side to side. "How do we open this thing..?" Keith asked. (fuck it i cant remember what exactly he says) "Maybe you just have to knock," Lance knocked on the force field, making it open. Then, everyone seemed to be staring into space for a moment.

"Uh...guys? Are you all okay?" I asked as I looked at them. Suddenly, everyone snapped out of it and suddenly started talking. "Voltron is a huge, awesome robot!" Hunk yelled, as Pidge gawked at the lion. "And this thing is only one part of it!" "Uh...what are you all talking about?" I asked, staring at them, confused. "You mean...you didn't see it?" "See what Shiro? What robot are you all talking about?" I asked, as the lion leaned down and opened his mouth. Lance walked right in, and everyone else followed.

I walked in last, staring at all of the features in the ship. When I saw everyone else, I raced up to stand beside Keith and Shiro. In case this thing started flying, I didn't want to be anywhere near my big mechanic friend. I love hunk and all, but I don't enjoy seeing the sight of puke, or being by someone puking themselves. it makes me sick.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden thrust into the air. I held onto Keith's jacket, and onto the pilot's seat. "Lance, watch what you're doing!" I yelled, moving my other hand to the seat. I was holding onto it for dear life. We all yelled and screamed for Lance to watch what he was doing, but he didn't seem to listen. "You're the Worst. Pilot. Ever!" Keith yelled as we flew into the sky.

I looked away from Hunk as he barfed by Lance. "I'm just surprised it took him this long," Pidge commented as she turned the other way. "Hey...what's that?" I asked,leaning over the the pilot seat to point at a black and purple ship. I turned my head to look at a Lance rhat was blushing the faintest pink. The lion went right for the ship and blasted it with a laser. I almost went flying back, if Shiro wasn't there to catch me. I thanked him as the lion flew away from the gigantic ship. "Hey, isn't that Kerberos?" Hunk asked as we all turned to stare at the planet. "It takes our ships MONTHS to get out this far. We got out here in 5 seconds!" Pidge exclaimed. I looked forward to see..a worm hole? "Shiro..you're the senior officer. What should we do?" Lance asked sternly. When Lance is serious, you know that whatever is going on is a big deal. I turned to Shiro as he started talking. "The lion seems to know more then we do. I say we trust it," Shiro stated. "Guess we're skipping class tomorrow," Lance commented as he flew us into the worm hole


Word Count: 1138

Alright, first part done, I'll update tomorrow. Please lemme know how I did, I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll hopefully see you next chapter.

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