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so sorry this took longer then expected. oh, and i know im skipping major parts of this, like when they were finding the lions and all, but i dont want to make this like every story about voltron. im just trying to make things a little different ^^ im also sick today, so updates for the win!

I swear we weren't given a time to rest. As soon as the rest of the paladins came back, we were immediately under attack. "Princess Allura, I am commander Sendak, from the galra empire. I come on behalf of Zarkon, ruler of the universe. I am here to confiscate the lions," A screen showing a purple alien appeared. He didn't stay though. After he spoke, he had quickly left. "Alright, nobody panic," Shiro started. "Not panic? How do you not panic?!" Hunk asked, clearly panicking. "Hunk, it's gonna be fine," I reassured him. "Yeah Hunk, it'll be fine! we'll just leave this planet, fly far away, and boom! Everyone will be fine!" Lance exclaimed. "I second that. We tried to get all the lions, couldn't do it. We tried, and now we should go!" Hunk nodded and stood beside Lance. "We can't just leave here! This is Allura's home!" Pidge cried out. "I agree with Pidge. We aren't leaving. We don't have any other options," Keith glared at Lance. "Here's an option, shut your quiznak!" Allura and Coran looked at Lance in shock. "I say we leave!" "Stay!" "Leave!" "Enough!" Shiro silenced everyone. "Allura, this is your home. You decide what we should do," Shiro looked up to Allura. "I...I don't know," She mumbled. "Maybe your father would know what to do," Coran took Allura down the hall, and somewhere else in the castle.

"Do you think she's okay..?" I asked to everyone in general. The room had been quiet since the Alteans left. "I'm sure she's fine," Pidge replied. "Oh she's fine alright~" "Knock it off, Lance," Keith glared at him. I sighed and leaned against the wall. Soon enough, Allura came back and said to fight. I was to busy in my own thoughts to see if they argued or not. I had come back to reality when everyone ran out of the room. "Huh? What's going on..?" I asked, walking over by Allura. "They're going to get the red lion, from Zarkon," She stated, looking down at me. "Anything I can do to help..?" I asked, feeling a little useless at the moment. "Sorry, I don't have anything for you at the moment," Allura looked at me guiltily. "Coran?" I turned to him, to see him shake his head. "Nope, but you can use this time to get comfortable here at the castle! Go exploring!" He suggested. I shrugged, turning and leaving the room. "Call me if you need me."

I wandered down the halls, until I found the bathroom. I thought for a moment, before rushing back to where the Alteans were. "Hey Allura, mind if I get a bath?" I asked, wondering if there was running water in this ship. "Of course. Baths must be a relaxing thing humans do. The paladins will be back soon though," She smiled as she returned to the conversation. I left and hurried down the hall. Once I reached the bathroom, I opened turned the water on, and shut the curtain. I stripped, then got in the tub. Once the tub was full, I shut the hot water off. I then sunk into the water, till the water was to my nose. "Alright, (Y/n), you were on Earth, saved Shiro, saw Keith, found a blue lion, Lance flew the lion into space, found aliens who lived in a castle, and now you're relaxing in the alien's tub," I ran through everything that had happened today, and found it to be a big help. I sat up, and tried to find some shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Of course, everything was in another language, so it made my task difficult. Soon enough, I found the items I needed. I quickly washed my hair, conditioned it, then found a rag to wash myself with. After I was done, I drained the water and wrapped a towel around myself. "Shit..I forgot to ask Allura for spare clothes," I quickly dried myself and hair. My hair was still a little wet, but I just needed to get clothes. I ran to the main room, forgetting the possibility the paladins would be there. By the time I walked in, it was to late. "Hey Allura, I forgot to ask if you had any...spare..clothes," I blushed and saw everyone stare at me. Everyone but Pidge, Allura, and Coran blushed as well. Lance and I had the most red faces. "(Y/n).." Shiro started. "I think I have some old dresses you can borrow. I have nightgowns too!" Allura smiled as she walked over to you. "Th-Thanks..sorry for interrupting you guys," Allura walked me down the hall, and away from everyone else standing there.

"Here's a nice, light pink dress you could wear," Allura handed me a long, almost see through nightgown. it had long sleeves, and was very light. "Thank you, princess," I smiled as she shook her head. "No no, you don't have to call me Princess. Just call me Allura," She smiled as I nodded. She left the room and I turned to the nightgown. She had also left me a white tank top, and shorts to wear under the gown. "Jeez..such fancy clothes..am I even allowed to wear this?" I asked myself, as I slipped it on. "I'm usually not one to wear dresses," I mumbled as I looked in the mirror. Soon, alarms blared  scaring me to death. I rushed out of the room, barefoot, to go meet with everyone. "What's going on?!" I shouted as I saw a ship, coming to the planet on the screen. "We're under attack! Paladins, go to your lions!" Allura shouted, as everyone was leaving. "Wait, can't I help?!" I asked, probably looking, and sounding desperate. "No!" I turned amd saw that Lance hasn't left yet. "Why not? I wanna help fight too!" "You'll only get hurt! Or kidnapped! You're not even dressed for battle!" Lance blushed at his comment. "Don't fight. Stay here, please," Lance frowned, then ran to the hangers to get to his lion. I sat on the floor, frustrated. "Tell you what, since you want to fight this war so bad, I'll see if I can find a better outfit and a weapon for you. I know you don't have a lion, so you can't fight with a ship, but I'm sure one of the paladins will take you with them sometime," I looked up to see Allura standing above me. She reached her hand out for me to grab. Once I stood, she smiled at me. "Of course, I'm worried for you to fight as well. But with some training, I bet you can help us defeat Zarkon," Allura placed a hand on my shoulder, before going up and activating the barrier. "(Y/n) will be a great fighter! No, warrior! I know it," I turned to see Coran looking at me. I smiled, and looked at the screen above. Finally, I could feel useful.

Word Count: 1251

again, sorry this took so long to do. State testing is literally tomorrow and I've been a little stressed about it. For now, I hope you enjoyed this ^^

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