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random song. couldnt think of  good one for this chapter

"Sire, the girl has recieved my message."


"Are you sure you want to recruit her now? She does not seem useful. At least at the moment."

"I trust you, Haggar. Who do you believe is the most vulnerable then?"

"The blue paladin. He has feelings for the girl, and is willing to die for her."

"Very well. Target the blue paladin then."


"Lance, what if Haggar really did kidnap me. What would you do?" I asked, sitting in front of the teen. I sat on one end of his bed, and he sat on the other. "I would rescue you! We all would!" I hummed at his response, trying to avoid looking at him. "But, shat if you did, you would have to sacrifice somone, or something, like Voltron. You can't sacrifice Voltron or something, for me," I knew I was starting to mumble, but I didn't fix myself. "(Y/n), we would find a way to rescue you with out sacrificing Voltron. Promise!" I finally looked up at him, and saw his big smile he always wore. I smiled as well, sighing and scooting closer to him.

Once I was close enough, I laid my head down on his legs. I closed my eyes as he stroked my hair. "I just won't let myself get kidnapped. That way, everyone is safe," I smiled as I heard him chuckle. "Yeah, try not to get kidnapped. I would miss you the minute you leave me!" We both laughed, and I turned and opened my eyes, to look up at him. "I really love you, Lance McClain. You're so sweet..." I felt my eyes start to shut. "I really love you too, (Y/n) (L/n)." His voice was the last thing I heard, before I went to dream land.

~~~Dream mode activate (lol)~~~~

I groaned as I woke up, surrounded by black. "Huh?" I asked as I stood up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, trying to find something, or someone. "Is anyone here? Hello?" I started to walk, hearing my footsteps against the floor. Soon, a figure came into view. They were wearing..blue?

"Lance!" I smiled and ran to him. He didn't move, or look at me. "Lance?" I reached to touch his shoulder. The second I did, he disappeared. In his place, stood the witch.

"Haggar..!" My eyes widened, as I back away. Before I could run, she rose her hands and electric came from her fingers. They wrapped around me, and shocked me. I screamed in pain as she cackled. Once she knew I was in so much pain, I couldn't move, she dropped me to the floor. I groaned, as tears rolled down my cheeks. She leaned down to me, and held my chin, forcing me to look at her.

"I know the stunt you pulled the other day. Telling people about me attacking you. Don't you ever pull that again, or it will get worse the next time. In fact, I may even kidnap your boyfriend if you tell a soul," She dropped my head, and disappeared.


I sat up quickly, panting and gasping for air. "(Y/n)!" I quickly turned to look beside me, seeing everyone in the room. Lance was kneeled down to my face, while everyone stood. I felt more tears roll down my face, as I looked at everyone. "(Y/n)...what happened?" Keith looked at me worried, along with everyone else who had the same expression. "Yeah, and what's all over your body? They look like burn marks,"

Burn Marks?

I never got burned...


I looked down and saw long, thin lines covering my arms, legs, neck, and pretty much everywhere. I touched one, and yelped in pain. I never noticed I was in so much pain until now. "You didn't have these before..I know you didn't. Did someone come in and hurt you?!" You turned to look at Lance, anger and sadness clouding his eyes. I was about to tell him what happened, but I soon remembered what Haggar told me.

"In fact, I may even kidnap your boyfriend if you tell a soul,"

Everyone continued to look at me for answers, but I knew I couldn't tell them. "I..I don't know," I lied, and looked away. I felt awful lying to my boyfriend about this, but if this is what I had to do to keep him safe, I would.

"You sure you don't know?" Shiro gave me a questioning look, but I nodded. "Yeah. I dunno, maybe I just hit my leg on something burning, and I didn't notice," "How would you not wake up?! It hurts!" I sighed at Hunk's comment. "Look, I don't know, okay? Just...leave me alone," I laid down and faced away from everyone. I wanted to cry, but if I did, I would have to spill the beans. "Let's leave her be guys, she's tired," I heard Pidge stick up for me, and I was grateful. Once I started to hear footsteps amd mumbling of 'She sleeps a lot,' 'She doesn't sleep this much,' and all that, I turned to look at the empty space where they stood. Except, one paladin was left in the room. Lance was still kneeling by the bed, still looking at me.

"I can leave if you want, this is your bed after all. I can go back to my room-" "No, stay." The blue paladin interrupted me. He climbed into the sheets and laid beside me. "I know you aren't telling me the truth. I know that. But I won't push you to open up to me. I figure you'll tell me when you want too. Just know, if it has to deal with Haggar again, you're safe. Nothing is gonna happen to you, me, or anyone here,"

He held me close and twirled my hair in his fingers. I nodded, as I soon felt tears prick my eyes. "I'm sorry," I mumbled into his shirt. "You're fine, baby doll. You'll be okay. It's alright," I whispered sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down. I didn't cry for long, and once I calmed down, I continued to lay there and listen to his heartbeat. I loved listening to the calm, steady rythem. "Do you hear it?" I looked up at Lance, giving him a questioning look. "My heartbeat. Do you hear it?" He smiled down at me, and I blushed. I nodded, and staryed to move away from his chest. "It's okay if you want to listen. I didn't mean to embarrass you. My little sister, back at home, loved to listen to my heartbeat as well. Whenever she was really worked up about something, I would hold her close to my chest so she would calm down." I smiled at the thought of his little sister. I moved back to his chest, feeling my eyes start to close.


Word Count: 1150

i didnt know how to end this. i might fix this tomorrow. its 1 am now. my cat is also trying to get in my face so i cant see the screen. so, sorry if theres typos. night guys ♡♡

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