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continuing this story when theres no views lol thats fine. im kinda writing this for a friend anyway.

I watched my friends try to form Voltron, having no success in the matter. I was so anxious, I didn't notice that I started to bite my nails. "(Y/n), why are you hurting yourself?!" I snapped up and looked at a terrified Allura. "(Y/n)?! What's going on?!" You heard Lance freak out and start yelling from the speaker. "Relax, I'm just biting my nails..it doesn't hurt, it just became a habit I do when I'm nervous is all. Just try to form Voltron!" I explained to them, quickly moving my hands to behind my back, blushing pink in embarrassment. "If you bite to much, it'll hurt the next day," I heard Shiro start to talk as well.

Soon, the palace started to shake. "Paladins, hurry and form Voltron! The particle barrier won't hold for much longer!" Allura quickly turned her attention to the Galran ship. The shaking continued, and I lost my footing. I slipped and fell, avoiding to hit my head to hard. "(Y/n)!" Coran turned and started to race over to me. "(Y/n)?! Allura what's going on?!" Coran quickly helped me stand. "Everything is fine, Keith! She just fell due to the attack!" "Sorry.." I mumbled as Coran had let me go. "It's nothing! Try to hold onto something for the moment," Coran raced back over to his control panel to keep the barrier up.

Soon after, the 5 lions had formed the giant robot. Soon, Voltron had defeated the Galra ship. After everyone had gotten back inside, Lance and Keith raced up to you. "(Y/n) are you okay?!" "We heard you fell!" "Did you hit your head?!" They started yelling questions at me, making me cover my ears. "Guys, I'm fine. I just happened to fall. I'm okay! Besides, I'm gonna get stronger so I don't fall at stupid things like that. I'm gonna fight with you guys!" I smiled a big grin at the two as they looked at me, shocked. "You? Fight? (Y/n), I already said you couldn't!" Lance looked upset at me. "Well yeah, I can't fight now. So I'm gonna train and get stronger!" I smiled up at Lance, excited. He however, wasn't as excited as me. "Lance, I know you want to protect your girlfriend-" "We're not dating Hunk!" Lance quickly turned to his friend. "Well, you did mention that you've always wanted to talk to her more, and get all-" Lance ran up and covered his mouth. "No! Stop! I don't know what you're talking about," Lance started to yell at Hunk about being quiet, while Shiro walked up to me.

"(Y/n), are you sure? You could get seriously hurt," Shiro looked at me with a worried expression. "Yeah (Y/n/n), This is dangerous. I wouldn't know what to do if you got hurt because of this war," Keith walked and stood beside Shiro. You smiled up at the two, trying to calm them down. "I'll be okay! Again, I can't fight now, but once I'm strong enough, I'm gonna fight alongside you guys!" The two boys in front of you looked at each other, not sure how to feel about it. "For now, (Y/n) can help us around the castle. When she's ready to fight, I know I will fo my best to keep her safe from here, at the castle," Allura stood beside me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Of course, we will protect her as well," Shiro smiled down at me. "It's almost like she's another princess around here," Allura commented. I blushed as Lance ran back to us. "Darn right she is! (Y/n) is amazing! That's why she can't go and fight! She's gonna get hurt!" Lance wrapped his arms around me while he yelled at the others, making me blush bright pink. "Lance don't worry, I already said I wasn't immediately going into battle," I placed my hand gently on his arm. He looked down at me, seeing my smile. He sighed and let me go. "Alright, but you're gonna be with me so there's no chance of you getting hurt!"

"If she's going with anyone in her first battle, it'll be Shiro," Keith glared at Lance. "I wouldn't mind taking her," Shiro smiled as everyone nodded. Everyone, but of course, Lance. "I'll protect her! I can do it! I can be better!" Lance freaked out saying how much better he was, while we all chuckled.

"It's been a long day guys. I think we should all go and get some sleep," Shiro stated, shushing Lance in the process. "Yes, I have rooms you may all stay in. (Y/n), I do have a spare for you as well. Usually, the mice sleep in there, but I'm sure they can sleep elsewhere," The mice ran up the dress and onto my shoulder. "We can make something work. Thank you," She replied as the biggest mouse climbed up to your head. "Right, this way then," Allura and Coran walked all of the paladins and you to your rooms.

"(Y/n), You'll be in between Shiro, and Pidge, is that alright?" "This should be fine. Thank you again Allura," The paladins continued to walk with the Alteans, but I had decided to stay in my room. The mice jumped off of me and onto the nightstand beside the bed. "Let's see...do we have any cloth? Or thread and needles? If so, I could make you guys some blankets to sleep on and with. Oh, and if we have stuffing I could make small pillows!" I exclaimed, as I walked around the room. Unfortunately, there was nothing. "Stay here, I'll go ask Allura of she has anything," I waved at the mice as they waved back.

I raced down a series of halls, later finding the crew. Coran seemed to be showing them an entire tour of the place. "Allura!" I yelled, stopping everyone in their tracks. (Y/n)? Is something wrong with your room?" Allura asked, worried. "Nope! Everything's great! But I wanted to ask if you had a needle, cloth, and some thread," I got my hopes up as she thought. "Did you plan on making something?" She asked, as everyone got curious. "Yeah, I wanted to make some pillows and blankets for the mice, so they can sleep on the nightstand. Also, a bigger blanket for them to lay on so they aren't uncomfortable," I replied. If it was possible, there would be stars in my eyes as I explained my plan. "Thats a good idea! If you want, I can help you sew!" Coran offered to me. "I think I have a sewing kit somewhere around here. I'll look once I go to bed," She smiled after I thanked her, running back to my room.

"Alright guys, I'll make you a bed tomorrow. For now, you'll have to sleep on my pillow with me tonight," I said, as I climbed into bed. The mice scurried over and got comfortable, as I hit the lightswitch. I turned and faced the wall, closing my eyes. "Goodnight guys, see you in the morning," I mumbled, as I quickly fell asleep.


Word Count: 1214

hope everyone enjoyed. i dont have much to say, but thanks for rEadiNg

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