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how's it going? today was stressful, but im alove so, enjoy


I turned my head towards the door, when I heard it swung open. "Pidge!" I called out. She looked down at me, thrn up towards Sendak. Soon, Keith and Allura had shown up behind her. I looked over at Lance, to see him still unconscious. I struggled to loosen up the ropes on me wrists and ankles, but all it did was dig into my skin. I looked up once I heard a laser shot. I saw Lance standing, but he wobbled. "Lance!!" I cried out. He smiled towards me, before stumbling. Keith caught him, and helped him stand. It wasn't long though, until he passed out again.

Once Sendak was captured, Pidge ran over and untied me. She helped me stand, and held my wrists. I cried out in pain, making everyone looking at my wrists. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't even see-" "It's alright, Pidge. Thank you for saving us," I smiled. Keith walked over and picked me up, looking at my ankles. I looked down, seeing deep, red rings around them. "Let's get you into a healing pod as well," Allura smiled sympathetically at me. I panicked, and tries to leave Keith. He held onto me tighter. "I-I don't want to go in a pod, no, no no no no!" Allura looked at me, confused, while Keith whispered to me. "Hey, you'll be alright. It's not gonna hurt you. You're just gonna sleep for a while,"

"Why does she struggle?" Allura asked, as Keith lagged behind, trying to control me. "We don't have anything like that on earth. She may just be out of it. Sendak threw her around a couple of times," Shiro spoke softly. He turned and looked behind him, seeing Keith lag even more. "Do you need me to take her?" Shiro offered. "I-I'll be fine," Keith shouted, as he continued to tell me how I would be fine.

Once we reached the room, Keith put me down and held my hand. I was so tired from everything, I didn't really care what happened. "I want Lance," I mumbled. "I know, but Lance has to go in a healing pod too, okay?" Keith pushed back some of my hair, and noticed my tired eyes. "Once you're out, you can go lay down to sleep," Shiro walked over and held my shoulder. "Keith's right. You'll also get to see Lance again," I smiled a little, and nodded. Keith gently pushed me into a healing pod, while Shiro and Hunk got Lance into one beside me. "You'll be okay, (Y/n). We'll see you soon," Keith smiled as the door shut, and immediately everything went black.

I heard voices, and someone had their arms wrapped around me, but I couldn't open my eyes yet. I forgot what was going on, and whrre I was, but my memories quickly came back to me. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked up to see my blue paladin. "Lance.." I soon smiled, and hugged him tightly. "Hey. You weren't to terribly injured, were you?" He asked, as I stood. "Nope. Sendak threw me around a little, and I struggled too much, that i almost cut mt wrists and ankles open," I avoided looking at Lance when I brought up the ropes. I felt him squeeze me tighter, as he spoke quietly. "(Y/n), I'm sorry you had to go through that. I promise I will protect you," He pulled away, gripping my shoulders. I nodded, making him smile softly.

"So Lance, did you finally confess?" Pidge asked, as Lance and I walked into the control room. We both blushed as he replied. "Yeah, I did. So hands off my girl, Keith!!" Lance pointed a finger and started yelling at Keith. "I never flirted with her! I don't like her that way!!" Lance let go of my hand amd started an arguement with Keith. I turned and saw Allura smiling and staring at me. She looked as if she was gonna burst with excitement. "You okay there..?" She squealed and raced over to me and grabbed my hands. "I'm so happy for you!!" I smiled as she spoke, not really understanding what she was saying. Everyone stopped talking once Hunk cleared his throat.

"Guys, we need to get going to the Balmera. Shay is in danger!" "Who's Shay?" I asked, wondering what a Balmera was. "Did Hunk get a girlfriend too?!" Lance smiled as he walked over and patted Hunk's shoulder. Hunk quickly pushed him off. "N-No! She's not. She's a friend. I promised I would rescue. So we need to hurry and leave!" His cheeks turned red as hr got frustrated. "Hunk, (Y/n) just awoke from a healing pod. She isn't ready to go anywhere," Shiro crossed his arms arpund his chest as he spoke. "She slept for a day! It's fine!" He reassured.

"A day?! I didn't need to be there for that long! It was just minor injuries! Lance almost got killed, he should have been in it longer then me!" I spoke up, shocked at the news I was hearing. I thought I woke up right after Lance, or something like that. "We just wanted to be cautious. You acted weird when we mentioned it, so we decided to keep you in there longer, just in case," Allura looked at me sadly. I nodded, understanding where she was coming from. "I met the alien girl named Nyma-"

"You what?" I interrupted. "I didn't hit on her or anything! I don't go that low!" Everyone chuckled as I sighed. "Well, since she hasn't recovered, she can stay here," Hunk tapped his foot as he spoke. "It's gonna be awhile till we get there. In the meantime, me and (Y/n) need to go do something," Allura held my hand as she spoke, then took me down the hall.

"In case you're needed on this mission, let's start training, okay?" She smiled as we walked into the training room. I pulled up my hair (if your able too) as I grabbed a weapon. "(Y/n), you will train with different weapons, since you don't have a bayard. You never know what your gonna be offered," She walked over, and first handed me a daggar. I nodded, as she had the gladiator fall from the ceiling. "Good luck!" She smiled and ran to the side of the room. "Level 1. Start," The robot spoke as it came after me.


Word Count: 1085

hey so after the Balmera mission, things are gonna be different, so its not exactly like the show. hope everyonr is okay with that

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