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state testing went alright today. i got lamguage arts out of the way, now i gotta do math and i think science. which suuuuucks. so im at home listening to green day and updating this lol. enjoy


I sat on the edge of my bed and worked quietly. Allura had given me everything I had needed to sew up the blankets. I started to stitch together the fabric, singing quietly to myself. Soon, Lance had opened the door and had let himself in. "Hey, whatcha doing?" He asked, more like mumbled. "Sewing the mice some small blankets to sleep on," I turned and looked at the boy standing by my door. "Come sit down, you don't have to stand there," I giggled as he shuffled his way over to sit beside me. "Everything okay?" I asked as he then flopped down onto the bed. "Yeah, just tired. Allura needs us to keep training and I'm worn out," I scooted back so I was leaning against the wall. "Did you run away to hide here then?" I asked, smiling. "Yeah, I hope you don't mind," He turned and looked up at me. "I don't mind at all. I enjoy your company, Lance," I looked down at him, still smiling. He smiled back, and the room went quiet. The silence didn't last long though, since I had yelped after pricking my finger with the needle. Lance sat up and moved closer to me. He took the cloth and needle, moving it to the side. He grabbed my hand and raised my bleeding finger close to his face. "Hold on, I'll go get a band aid," Lance got up and quickly left the room.

He came back shortly, holding a box of band aids and a small rag. "Hold your finger up," he commanded, making me hold my finger up. A small, trickle of blood came from my finger. He wiped away the blood, then wrapped the band aid around my finger. Not too loose and not too tight. "Thanks, Lance," I smiled up at him. "It was nothing, (Y/n)," He blushed and smiled down at me. Right after he spoke, the bedroom door quickly opened. "Lance! Get back out there and train, you lazy bum!" Allura grabbed Lance's wrist, dragging him out of the room. Lance quickly waved goodbye to me, as the door shut. I giggled and continued to sew.

~♧time skip♧~

"(Y/n), dinner is ready!" I set down the third pillow I had made that day. I finished the large blanket, and 3 pillows. I just had to make one more pillow, and another large blanket for the mice to share. I walked out of my room, thinking. 'Maybe I should also make 4 individual blankets in case they don't like to share, or they fight over the blanket..'

I walked into the dining room to see Coran cuff the paladins. Allura nudged me, handing me a plate of green goo. "Thanks," I said, giggling at the paladins. I walked and sat down across from Hunk. "Ah, (Y/n)! So glad you could join us!" Coran smiled down at me, ignoring the paladins complaints. Allura soon sat down, Coran moving to stand by her. I quietly ate while the paladins complained, noticing Allura getting annoyed. "Do all humans complain like this?" She mumbled to herself. I sighed and looked over at Lance, seeing him already stare at me. I blushed and looked down at my food. Before I knew it, the room went quiet. I looked up, now noticing that there was food on people. "Go loose Pidge!" Keith yelled as everyone started a food fight. I sighed, then felt food land on me. I immediately stood and started firing back. "Whoa! (Y/n)!" Allura had looked at me shocked as I continued to throw.

"Enough!" Allura yelled. The room had gone quiet. "Don't you see what you're doing?!" She then looked up at the paladins. "You're working together! As a team!" She smiled as her eyes lit up. The paladins decided to form Voltron, while Allura went to watch. Coran and I stayed behind to clean up. "Go with the princess Coran. I can clean up tonight," I offered, taking the dishes off the table. "Are you sure? You don't want to clean yourself up first?" He asked me. I had the goo stuck in my hair, on my face, and mostly my shirt. "Yeah it's fine," I smiled as he thanked me, rushing out to watch the team. I quickly gathered the other dishes, heading into the kitchen.

I started to hand wash the dishes, since I had no idea if they were dish washer safe. Half way through, Lance walked into the kitchen. "Hey, did you guys form Voltron?" I asked, turning to him. "Yeah, we did it! Wait, how come you didn't come out to watch us?" Lance moved to stand beside you, seeming concerned. "I told Coran I would clean up for him. Did you want me to see?" I turned and looked at Lance, surprised. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was upset. He nodded in response to my question, and I smiled. "I'll be there to watch you form Voltron over and over again. Promise," I looked up to him, holding my pinkie out. "You promise? For real?" He asked, as he stuck his pinkie out as well. "Yes, I do. I'm sorry I wasn't there to watch you do it this time, but I'll be there to watch you the next," I locked his pinkie with mine, making him smile. "Good. Next time, I'll be sure to impress you with it!" I blushed as he smiled a wide smile.

"Also, want to know something?" He asked as he moved his pinkie finger away, and grabbing my hand with both of his instead. "When we formed Voltron, I thought of you. Since you're a really great friend to me. You're always there to cheer me up, and help me, so I figured if I thought of you, I would be able to do it!" I blushed and looked at him, wide eyed. He smiled down at me and kissed my cheek. He let my hand go, leaving the kitchen. He didn't realize that he left me a blushing mess as well.


Word Count: 1072

hey, hows it going? sorry it took me awhilr to update this. with all this testing, it kinda slips my mind. i'll try to be quicKER

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