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Tiny waves in the lake gently dance below me. The smell of sweet, fresh water lingers in the air. It's so quiet and relaxing the only things you can hear is the paddle gliding through the lake. The sound puts you in such a deep ease, you could almost fall asleep. The room is so dark, the only thing that is giving it a little light are candles. However, it seems like my fiancé is sure he knows where he is taking us.

I glance behind me to see a man standing on an island. I shed a single tear knowing this is my last time to see this man. The man who is completely broken inside. The man with a craving for love and comfort. The man who my gut is screaming at me to stay with. I can feel his despair in my soul when I look into his eyes and it pains me. The more I drift off, the more regret builds up inside me. He was such an important part of my life this past year. He taught me everything he knew about singing which are both of our passions. The rush of his music made me grow wings that soared me into the sky.

At this moment, I feel almost the exact same when my father passed away three years ago. The only difference is that I'm choosing to leave this man. Not only do I feel sorrow, I feel guilty too which makes it worse.

Why am I leaving him? The reason is because I'm already engaged to someone else. I'm in love with my fiancé, Raoul... Or so I think. I have known him since I was just a little girl. When my dad died, Raoul's shoulder was the one I cried on. I have a history with him longer than anyone else. It makes the most sense to go with him. However, my heart seems to not agree with my mind. I definitely do strongly care about Raoul, but I'm not sure if he's the man I'm destined to spend the rest of my life with. Is the man behind us the one? I still don't know. I made my choice, but the situation still doesn't feel completely over with. It feels undecided.

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