Chapter 8

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I cry hysterically into Madame Giry's shoulder while Meg holds my hands tightly. I told them everything that just happened with Raoul in his apartment. I included the part of how Meg told me the whole story. At first, Madame Giry was very mad at her. She even screamed a bit. Eventually, she warmed up and let her anger go.

"I'm sorry all of this happened," Madame Giry says as she strokes my hair.

I'm so disgusted with Raoul and what he did. He is no longer the innocent little boy I met years ago. He is now a brutal and thoughtless stranger that I don't recognize.

"Thank you for being there for me guys," I manage to get out through sobs.

Meg places a hand on my shoulder as if she wants to see my face so I turn my head. I look at her and I see a pitied smile. She says sympathetically," you are like my sister. I'll always be there for you."

"Thank you," I smile back at her.

"It's nothing. You're like my second daughter," Madame Giry comforts.

It's nice to know these two will always be there for me when I need them. They are the only family I have left in this terrifying world. I don't share their blood, but I still share a bond with them that is stronger than any force in the universe.

"If it makes you feel any better, I saved Erik from the box. I patched up his wound in his leg and took him to a nearby hospital. I paid the doctors and nurses to keep him hidden until he woke up," Madame Giry whispers into my ear.

My eyes brighten up with happiness. This is probably the best news I have heard in a long time.

"Can I visit him?" I ask.

"Of course. Follow me."

We walk to a hospital that is a few blocks down the road. Madame Giry told the front desk we were meeting Erik and then showed me the room he was staying in. He is sleeping in his bed with his face towards the ceiling while a nurse is standing beside him.

"Oh my gosh. Erik," I gasp cheerfully. I run over to him scooping his hand into mine. There is so much relief that is being lifted off my shoulders. I smile as I look at his face knowing he is okay.

I look up at the nurse while she stares at me like she feels sorry for me. My smile turned into a frown in the matter of seconds.

"What is wrong?" I ask.

"He lost a lot of blood in the box so he fainted. He got patched up quickly enough so he is still alive, but he didn't wake up since then. We aren't sure he is going to make it," the nurse confesses.

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