Chapter 4

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It's the day after and I am silently eating dinner with Raoul. The dining room is so quiet, you could hear a pin drop, but loud thoughts are swimming in my head. I can only pay attention to the scrambled words in my mind. A part of me is thrilled that the guy ran away. He is probably starting a new life that isn't in that opera house. After all, it has been over twenty years since he was out of the Opera Populaire. He might be living in a place that makes him a lot happier. Those thoughts give me the biggest relief in the entire world. However, there is the other half of me that is angry at him for leaving. He begged me to marry him in the basement of the theater and stay there for the rest of my life. If he can leave now, why couldn't he leave then? I probably would have chosen him if I knew he was comfortable to live out of the Opera Populaire... But there would still be Raoul. Shit, why can't I just be excited about the path I already decided to have? I'm getting married to my childhood sweetheart that I grew up with. Isn't that enough?

"Raoul?" I ask to get his attention.

"Yes darling?"

"I know what happened at the opera house," I started. The conversation between the two cops have been playing in my head nonstop and I need to confess it to someone else. Raoul looks at me with his jaw dropped and his eyes widening. I can tell by the tension in his face, his stomach just turned into a knot.

"What just happened? You look like you saw a ghost," I laughed.

"Oh. Sorry about that. What happened?" He stammers.

"Well I saw two police men at the grocery store yesterday. One of them was panicking because he... Supposedly... Lost someone the night we left the theater. I would assume it was someone he had to arrest but got away. Then they started talking about how he was a monster. I think there is a search party for the phantom." Phantom is another word to describe this man because he had magician magic that made him appear and vanish out of nowhere. 

"Wow. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Are you scared?" He responds.

"No. Not for me at least. I'm scared he is going to get into trouble."

He taps his finger very rapidly against the table. Sweat starts to form in his forehead.

"Is there something more to the story? Something you're not telling me?" I ask.

"What? No. Not at all."

His words seem certain, but the tone of his voice seems stressed and not convincing at all. There is definitely more to the story and Raoul is a part of it.

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