Chapter 16

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We hop onto the train and sprint to our seats. Once we find them, we collapse into the chairs from exhaustion. The cushions were so soft you felt like you were sitting on a cloud. It took us forever to get on our train and we wanted to escape this city as quickly as possible.

I look over at Erik, panting, as he laughs with lots of joy. He reminds me of a little boy and it's kind of adorable.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"I can't tell you how happy I am running away with you," He responds. We smile at each other and I lean towards his lips again for a kiss. He holds my hand as we start to drift away. We look outside to see Paris one more time. As much as I'll miss France, I know I'm going to love my new life with Erik.

"I never told you how much you've changed me and my life," He says. I glance over at him in disbelief that I ever impacted him after taking off his mask in the performance.

"What do you mean?"

"Almost everyone in my life has viewed me as a monster because of my face. You were the only one to ever accept me and love me. Thank you for that. Also, I want to apologize for the night when you left. When I threatened you to marry me, I was trying to hold on to the one thing that brought me happiness in my pain. I was so desperate, I brought Raoul's death into it. I'm so sorry for that night."

I may sound like an awful person, but I completely forgot about that part of the night. After Raoul kidnapped and abused me, it erased the memory of how he once tried to be my hero. I never realized how obsessive he was until I was finally away from Erik. Sometimes the things that can look like light and savior is actually an entrance to the real nightmare.

I'm not saying Erik was a nightmare, but the rage he was holding onto was tearing him into pieces. When I looked into his eyes while he was trying to hang Raoul, I could see the gentleman I fell for was trapped under the darkness. He couldn't escape from the misery of the pain lingering in him. Watching someone fall apart while you feel like you can't do anything to help is something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

"It's okay. I understand why you did it. Looking back at it, you probably should've killed him," I chuckle. I'm slightly shocked by my own words because I've never wished someone to die before.

"If anyone hurts you like he did, I will wrap a rope around their neck and slowly pull harder so they can feel their throat giving up to inhale another breath of oxygen," Erik mutters. I recognize this side of him and it was the dark phantom. If I'm going to be honest, this side of him didn't scare me now and his deep voice turned me on.

I lean back in my chair and close my eyes as I fall into a deep slumber. It would be best to sleep until we are in Italy because I'm a little too excited to wait another minute.

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