Chapter 2

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As I step out of the apartment building's door, the sound of screaming sirens burst in my ears. I see bright lights flashing everywhere. I jerk my head to see the direction the police cars are heading to. As I look further down the street I see that they are all going to the Opera Populaire. I breathe in and out deeply to calm myself down because this scenery is giving me anxiety.

"Wow. I thought they already arrested that crazy man last night after we left," Raoul says.

Crazy man? Is that what we are calling him now? Sometimes I want to slap Raoul. I decide it's better to play it off than getting mad.

"Maybe something else happened this morning," I suggest. I hope nothing bad happened to the guy. He might have committed a few crimes in the past, but that was only because the world was very cruel towards him. When we first met, he told me how his mother abandoned him when he was seven just because he had a disfigured face. Then he moved into a circus. Unfortunately, the circus wasn't friendly in the slightest. Every night, he was in a show act where someone would beat him with a stick until he was nearly dead. That was until a teenaged girl saved him and hid him in the opera house for the rest of his life. That girl is Madame Giry which actually happens to be my best friend's, Meg, mother. Oh my god. I forgot she lived there for a second. I wonder how nervous Meg must be seeing all of those cars right in front of her window.

"Come on Christine. Lets not worry about that place okay?" Raoul whispers sweetly. He takes my hand and walks me down to the bakery across the street. As we walk, I still can not get my eyes off the theater.

I step into a delightful aroma of fresh baked bread and sweet sugary tea when we enter into the bakery. The smell cheers me up a little.

As we take our seat at a table, a waiter comes up to us. I still continue to stare at the opera house.

"Good morning Mademoiselle and Monsieur," The waiter greets us.

"Good morning to you too, Monsieur," Raoul says back.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He asks us.

"I'll take a croissant and a cup of tea."

I find myself totally focused on the police that I forgot we were ordering. I look back at the two of them with embarrassment because I kept them hanging for a good ten seconds.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'll have some tea and a blueberry muffin," I stammer. We watch the waiter walk away from us after he writes down our orders.

"You really are worried aren't you?" Raoul gasps.

"The police are probably barking questions at Meg."

"You are a really good friend to her."

"Well ever since my dad died, Madame Giry let me live at that opera house. That's when I met Meg. Ever since then she was family to me."

He holds my hand across the table and rubs it with his thumb.

"Would you like to visit her around noon?" He asks.

As much as I love Meg, the only person who I want to see right now is the man from last night. The reason why I'm keeping his name anonymous is because I'm scared it will be too painful to say who he really is. I have so many wonderful memories of him and it is hard to let them go.

"No I think I'll be okay. She's a strong woman she doesn't need me."

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