Chapter 19

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The two of us have been living in Italy for eight weeks now. I have been sending letters to the Giry's back and forth so we can stay in connection. Apparently, they have faked a death for Erik so they can make the police stop the search party. They said Raoul killed him by stabbing Erik in the leg and putting him in a soundproof box. When the police asked where his body was, Meg told them she threw it in the ocean since Raoul threatened her life if she didn't cover up the murder. She explained how she witnessed everything while hiding behind a bush. Supposedly, she cried hysterically to look terrified and ashamed so she wouldn't get in trouble. However, the police did find his blood in the box which was proof enough. Lucky for all four of us, the police believed everything and they got away with it. For me, I told them everything including the special little time Erik and I had when we first arrived. I didn't tell them anything detailed about it or else that would have been awkward. Speaking of that time, I haven't bleed in a while. That could only mean one thing.

I turn to Erik as he walks into the kitchen. I'm currently making pancakes for breakfast which are one of my favorite foods. I watch him pour a glass of water as I try to think of a way to tell him. I wonder how he will react. Will he get angry? Will he be happy? Will he get disappointed? I'm nervous yet excited at the same time.

"I'm pregnant," I say abruptly out of nowhere. Oh god, what if I just made a mistake? He might yell or scream. After all, he is a very unpredictable guy.

He glances at me very surprised. I can't tell if he is mad or okay about it. I try to read his face to get an answer, but I can't. He looks back down at the kitchen sink to process the information.

"You alright?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah. You just caught me off guard that's all." He gulps down his entire glass as if he just ran a marathon on a hot summer day. He still stands there silently as I flip the pancakes. I look at him while he's deep in thought with no words coming out of his mouth. Erik almost seems regretful.

"I'm sorry," I whisper shyly. I love him so much, the last thing I want to do is upset him.

"Why would you be sorry? It takes two of us to make a baby. I'm not saying it like it's a fault we both should take blame for. I'm just saying you shouldn't apologize for carrying something that's very beautiful inside you." I feel a thousand pounds of weight lift off my shoulder when he says the last sentence.

Erik walks over to me, grabs both of my hands, and stares directly into my eyes.

"I will love and support our child," He says quietly with a smile. The nerves inside me finally calm down. I hug him as I breathe out with relief. He sits in a chair at the kitchen table as I bring the plateful of pancakes.

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