Chapter 13

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"Erik!" I exclaim. I place my hand on the side his face and stare directly into his dark, seductive eyes. I grasp his hand tightly as he takes his first few blinks.

"Christine?" He whispers quietly.

"Yes, it's me. I came back. I'm so sorry for ever leaving you."

He looks at me as if he is trying to tell if I'm real or just a hallucination. Once he realizes it's me, we look into each other's eyes cherishing the purity of our love at this very moment. What stared back at me was the kind gentleman during the night we first saw each other after I took Carlotta's place in the performance. Unfortunately, this only lasts for a minute. Erik then looks away from me with coldness in his eyes. I decide it is best for me to take my hand off his cheek.

"Why the hell did you come back? You chose the path in life that was best for you. You had the chance to live normally just like everyone else. Only a fool would come back to me," Erik mutters under his breath.

I feel like I just got punched in the stomach. If only fools could love him and be with him for the rest of their lives, then I am proud to call myself the biggest fool in the entire world.

"I came back because I realized Raoul isn't the man I love. Sure, we shared a history but that is all in the past. Now, this is the present and things have changed," I say on the edge of tears.

He turns his head back at me. Erik's eyes are softer than before but still cold," why did you leave me then?"

"I felt like if I lived in a basement forever, I would be trapped from everything else in the world. I wanted to live freely, but I don't care about that anymore."

"What changed your mind? The night I kidnapped you you wanted to get out of the basement desperately."

"I remember the night you took me to your basement and the night we sang together during the play. I've never felt more heat and connection to any other man. Your voice and music makes me feel so alive. The way you put your hands on me gives me a security of protection that I never want to let go of. I'm in love with you, Erik. I need you in my life."

Erik cries silently. I can see I broke his fury that he had in his whole life into pure gentleness. I don't want anymore tears; all I want is to share our love again. I slowly lean my mouth onto his for a kiss. I taste his soft, sweet lips. My heart feels like it is flying out of my chest. He kisses me back, but his is more forceful and full of passion. I put my hand back on his cheek as I lean in closer for a third one. This is the happiest I have ever been in a long time. After all the heartbreak and terror, it was all worth it since it lead up to this moment.

As I back away, he flashes a smirk at me and I laugh quietly.

"I got tickets for a train to Italy. We can run away together," I whisper quietly. I don't want anyone outside to hear us or else someone might get the police to take him away.

"You make me happier than anyone else in this entire universe, Christine. I can't wait to get out of this city with you. I love you so much." He sits up in his bed and holds my hand. He rubs his thumb across my knuckles.

As much as I want to leave with Erik right away, I want to give Meg and Madame Giry a final hug goodbye. After all, they have there for me for the longest time ever.

"I want to say goodbye to Madame Giry and Meg before we leave," I say.

"Okay. Should I come with you?" Erik asks me.

"Yes, please. We should probably use the back door because we don't want to get caught."

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