Chapter 5

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My legs move faster than the speed of light. My heart feels like it is about to beat out of my chest. My face sweats from the amount of energy I exhale. I quickly wrap my arms around my best friend very tightly. I embrace her so close, I can smell the lavender soap that she uses in her hair when she takes a shower.

Today, I was leaving the apartment to go meet with Raoul's mother because she owns a wedding dress shop. We were going to look at the wedding dresses she currently has at her store so I can choose mine. On my way there, I saw Meg down the street. I screamed to her to get her attention and when I did she had the most giant smile on her face. I ran over to her to give her a hug. We held each other for a good four minutes until we let go.

"It's been so long! How are you?! How's the engagement?!" Meg exclaims.

"I'm great. The engagement is great.  I'm actually on my way to Raoul's mother's wedding dress store to choose a dress. How are you?" I smile brightly.

"I could be better, but now that I see you I'm fantastic." Meg crosses her arms as she looks at a building with facial expressions that shows she has a lot of thoughts running inside her mind.

"What is going on?"

"It's nerve wrecking to have the police ask you a thousand questions while your mother doesn't want you to tell them anything too specific."

"What kind of stuff is too specific for the police?" This could be my chance to find out what Raoul is hiding.

"It's complicated."

"I got time."

"You know your old singing teacher? The one that you met at the Opera Populaire. What was his name again?" She asks. I think it's about time I come clear about his name.

"Erik." My heart just fell into my stomach from hearing the name come out of my own lips.

"Right. The night you moved from the theater was the same night the police tried to arrest Erik. He got away. Now they are out on the look for him." She stops talking, but I keep waiting for more. After ten seconds of silence, I decide to ask her myself.

"Do you know anything about Raoul during that night? There is something he's hiding. I need to know what it is," I whisper so quietly as if Raoul is standing next to me but he's not. Just like from last night, Meg tenses up just like he did during dinner.

"You do know?"

"There's only so much I can tell you."

"Please, I'm begging you."

She stares at me up and down with pity in her eyes. She sighs deeply like she is about to confess something huge.

"It's kind of a long story. Come by the restaurant right next to the theater tomorrow so we can talk about it over lunch," She says.

"Okay. Is around 12:30 good?" I ask.

"Yeah. See you then."

If Raoul did anything bad to Erik, I swear to you right now, I'm calling off the wedding.

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