Chapter 10

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I open my eyes as I awake from a night long slumber. For a few seconds I forgot where I was and why I was so uncomfortable. Then I realized I was sleeping on a hard chair during the whole night. It's been about five days since I arrived at the hospital. The only times I left was to take a shower in Meg's and Madame Giry's hotel room. Other than that, I didn't want to leave Erik. I'm committed to being the first person he sees when he wakes up.

The nurse comes into the room with some medication that she has to give Erik. She does this everyday and at the same time.

"Hello," She smiles to me.

"Hey," I smile back.

"How are you doing today?" She asks.

"I could be better."

"You know, you are his longest visitor and one of his only visitors."

"Well I haven't seen him in so long and I love him more than anything."

"I bet you do." She injects him with the medication and is about to walk out of the room until I call out to her.

"Are you going to tell the police he's here when he wakes up?" I ask her.

"It's what I have to do," the nurse says.

"Please don't. The world has punished him enough," I beg. I'm so desperate to having my normal life back. The first thing I want to do is for us to run away together someplace where nobody would find us. We would sing all day to each other just like we used to.

"I don't have much of a choice," the nurse sighs.

"I'm begging you, please."

"I have to listen to the rules. I'm sorry."

"Erik doesn't deserve anymore punishment in his life. He already suffered through his parents abandoning him just because of his deformity. Then a circus beats him for a show act until he was nearly dead. A girl did save him but he still grew up with solitude and pain. He hid from the outside world for the rest of his life because he was scared of it. After all, the circus and his parents showed him how nobody would ever have any care for him. Then I come along years later and I rip off his mask in front of hundreds of people during a play. He forgave me which was more than generous considering I ruined his life. The same night, I left with a guy who later tries to kill him. The guy stabbed Erik's leg and locked him in a soundproof box so he could bleed to death. If there is anyone who deserves some compassion, it is Erik." I start crying a little again. I regret every bad thing I did to him.

"My dear. I had no idea," She gasps shockingly. It's not her fault because almost nobody knew.

"He was my singing teacher back when I lived at the opera theater. I called him my angel of music," I whisper.

A tear starts forming in the nurse's eye. She quickly wipes it away.

"I'm a sucker for romances," She laughs.

"Does that mean you won't tell the police about him?" I ask again.

She looks at me and then at Erik. She looks at me again and then back at him.

"Okay, fine," She gives in.

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