Chapter 11

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I hold Erik's hand as I look at his eyes waiting for them to open. I get up to leave so I can go to the bathroom across the hall. When I come back, I see Raoul standing next to Erik.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Hello to you too," Raoul chuckles. I look at him and I see that he is clearly drunk. His posture is terrible and he keeps losing his balance so he has to take another step.

"Stay away from him," I tell Raoul.

"What happened to us Christine? We were great before."

"You might have been but I wasn't. I love Erik, Raoul."

"You never loved me? All of it was a lie?" He starts walking up to me so slowly it sends chills up my spine.

"Go away," I snap.

He pushes me into the wall with all his force.

"I've done everything for you! I risked my entire life to save you from this man!" He starts to shout.

"I said go away. I don't want you anywhere near him." I wasn't going to let him break me. I've broken enough times these past four weeks. I'm more than prepared to stand up for myself.

Instead of leaving the room, he pins me against the wall that he pushed me into. His hands run across my waist. I try to free myself, but he just pins me even more. I feel his entire body heat against mine. I've never seen this side of him before.

"What are you doing?! Stop!" I shout.

"Relax, I'm just admiring your body. I'm not going to do anything to hurt you," He whispers seductively. He stares at my body for a quick second then lets go of me. He backs away from me as I breathe in deeply. Then he walks towards Erik again, clenching his fist. I run up to Raoul to push him away so he doesn't punch Erik. After all the heartbreak, the last thing I need is to lose the man I love.

Raoul punches me in the face and then storms out of the room. A few drops of blood pours from my cheek. The cut on my face stings as I place my hand on top of it. Well, in case if you were wondering what kind of drunk Raoul would be it was the abusive kind. I didn't even know that until just now.

I go back to the bathroom to wash myself off. I stare in the mirror asking myself, what if I married Raoul? What if he later became an alcoholic? I would be screwed by then.

As I walk out of the bathroom, the nurse comes up to me with her hand hid behind her back.

"Hello Madame," I smile at her.

"You okay? You have a cut on your face," She asks concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay. Well I have something for you and Erik. You can't tell anyone or else I'll probably lose my job."

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