Chapter 14

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Erik and I sneak out of the back door of the hospital with our backs hunched forward so no one can see our faces. We duck behind bushes and trees within every five steps that we take. Once we finally reach the hotel that Meg and Madame Giry are staying at the two of us sprint up to their room. I knock on their door very loudly and quickly to get their attention as soon as possible. The door swings open so suddenly and fast, I could barely see it moving. The person who opened the door was Meg.

"Hey," I flash Meg a smile. She doesn't react to my greeting because her eyes are glued onto Erik. She seems surprised to see him alive and standing right next to me.

"Erik, I'm glad to see you woke up," Meg whispers cheerfully.

"So am I," He smiles back at her. She lets us come in and offers us a glass of water. We accept her offer as Madame Giry hugs us.

Madame holds Erik by the shoulders stunned to see him here.

"I thought you wouldn't make it," She gasps. He looks at her confused why Meg and Madame are thrilled to see he survived. I can tell Madame Giry can tell he is confused why she cares and is a little disappointed.

She puts his ear beside her mouth and says," I've cared about you since the night I saved you from that circus. I thought of you as a close friend ever since. I'm sorry the world treated you the way this way." He hugs her tightly as tears start forming in his eyes.

"Thank you for saving me," He chokes out through the saliva and tears. I can't help smiling as I watch them embrace each other forming a beautiful friendship. Meg looks at me and I can tell we are thinking the same thing.

As they separate, I glance at Erik telling him it's ready to tell them we are leaving the country. He nods while he stares at me.

"I have to tell you two something," I murmur to Meg and Madame.

"There's no easy way to say this, but I want you guys to know before Erik and I leave the hotel." I take a deep breath in and out to exhale all the stress inside me. It's hard to tell your family that you are leaving for good and never going to see them again.

"Should I say it?" He asks me. I shake my head no. I don't know exactly why, but I want to be the person to tell them.

"We have train tickets to a small town in Italy. We are going to leave France for good so the police won't catch him."

I see my best friend and my second mother look at me as if I have six heads.

Meg wraps her arms around me," I'm going to miss you so much." I hug her back.

"I'm going to miss you too," I whisper into her ear. She cries a tiny bit and gets a few snots stuck in my hair. If I'm going to be honest, I don't really care if my hair is now covered in her boogers. Madame Giry joins us in our hug. Erik keeps his distance from us, which I understand since he thinks of himself as an outcast compared to all of us.

After a while, Erik holds out his hand to motion me to him. I walk over as I let go of Meg and Madame. I take his hand as I say my last goodbye to them.

"Goodbye you two. Have a wonderful new life in Italy. Take good care of Christine," Madame Giry waves.

"Bye. I had fun performing with you at the theater," Meg says.

Erik waves them a goodbye and we head out of their room. All of a sudden, I feel someone grasp onto my arm in the hallway pulling me away from Erik. I turn to see my head and it's Raoul. Before I could scream for help, he knocks me out from hitting me in the head with a hard covered book.

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