Chapter 15

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I wake up in a pitch black room. There is not even a tiny corner that sheds a little light. It's so silent all I can hear is my own breathing. I try to stand up, but I find myself unable to move no matter how hard I try. I must be tied to a chair right now.

"HELP!!" I yell on the top of my lungs. Just as I expected, there was no response back to me.

"I HOPE YOU DIE ASSHOLE!" I shout to Raoul.

After what feels like hours, someone walks into the room. As they turn on the lights, I see Raoul's face staring at me. I bite my lip nervously as he steps closer to me.

"If you don't marry me, I guess I have to make you marry me," He sneers. I gulp silently in fear.

"You look lovely in your dress," Raoul smiles creepily. I look down at what I'm wearing and I find myself in a white wedding dress.

"You undressed me while I was asleep?" I ask. This is by far the scariest thing anyone has ever done to me. I try again to break free as he walks closer to me but, once again, I find myself struggling.

"Yes, my dear. I will untie you but you have to do as I say." He loosens the ropes once I can finally move my limbs again. As I stand up to stretch my legs, he pushes me to the floor.

"I SAID YOU HAVE TO DO AS I SAY!! DON'T STAND IF I DON'T GIVE YOU THE PERMISSION!!" Raoul screams like a mad man. I curl up into a ball so I can hold my legs to my chest. When I'm petrified, as I am now, I need something to hold onto so I can feel some sort of protection.

"You may stand up my love," He says sweetly. My legs are shaking so it's hard to keep my balance as I get up.

"Where is Erik?" I stammer quietly. He slaps me in the face for asking that question. The slap was so hard it caused tears to spill out of my eyes. Erik, wherever you are, please hurry and save me.

"He's dead. Your only option now is to be with me," Raoul says as he strokes his hand in my hair.

"You bastard. I hope to burn in hell." I can feel every piece of my heart shatter. I will never hear Erik's singing or see his face ever again.

"I LOVE YOU CHRISTINE AND YOU LOVE ME TOO YOU DON'T NEED HIM!" He then forces a kiss onto my lips which I try to reject, but he squeezes my head against his which is too hard for me to pull away from. Finally, he lets go and I stare at him in disbelief. This is no longer the childhood sweetheart I once cared for. This is a man who is abusive, terrifying, and horrific.

"I once loved you before you abused me, but never in the way you love me. I'm sorry I couldn't give you my complete heart," I cry quietly. Suddenly, Raoul pushes me back on the floor. I knew he wouldn't like my response, but it is the truth. He bends down and punches me in the same place he did the other day when he visited the hospital. This makes the cut on my face even bigger. Blood pours out of my cheek and onto the grey concrete ground.

Raoul then gets pulled by something behind him. A shadowy figure strangles him with a rope. I would know that figure anywhere, especially if it uses a rope for a weapon.

"Erik?! I thought you were dead!" I gasp in relief. He runs towards me scooping me up in his arms. He lifts me into the air as he kisses me. When he places me down, I see that he got his white mask back.

"My Christine. I'm sorry I didn't come here sooner. Did he hurt you?" Erik asks as he places his hand on the side of my head.

"Yeah, he did. I'm better now that you're here though."

He notices the cut on my cheek and kisses it.

"You dropped the tickets in the hotel, but I got them. Lets go and run away together now," Erik says. I grab his hand as we sprint to the train station.

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