Chapter 1

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The sun shines so brightly through the window, it feels like it is blinding me as I open my eyes. I hear the lovely sound of happy birds chirping from outside. I stretch my limbs from a long night sleep as I turn over to look at Raoul. It's currently the morning after we left the Opera Populaire. Since that opera theater has been my home for the past three years, the only place we could stay at was in his nearby penthouse in the city.

I watch his beautiful brown eyes slowly wake up. He smiles at the sight of me lying next to him.

"Good morning. Don't you look lovely," he yawns. I blush a little at his comment.

"Good morning to you too," I giggle a bit. He places his warm hand on my cheek which brings me a feeling of peace and safety. We continue to rest in bed while we hold each other in our arms. He lets go after about a minute.

"Last night was nice wasn't it?" He asks flashing a smile. Last night after we had an exquisite dinner at a restaurant, we brought some of the fun into the bedroom. That was when I lost my virginity.

I couldn't help but laugh in the best way possible.

"I'll take that as a yes," He says.

I did have a lot of fun with him, don't get me wrong, but I can't help questioning if it was as magical as people say. From what I heard, when you share a spark with somebody, the both of you become two halves of one. For me, it felt more like one half and one whole making love. The whole was me.

It's so obvious Raoul fell deeply in love with me. It almost makes me feel guilty. Almost.

"When do you want to get married?" He asks me. My stomach turns into a knot at his words immediately. I shouldn't feel this way because he proposed like five days ago.

"What just happened to you?" He asks worriedly.

"What do you mean?"

"You just got tense when I asked you when do you want to get married."

"Oh. It's a little shocking that this is all happening. About a week ago the only thing I was thinking about was performing. Now I'm thinking about my future." All of this I said was true yet it still felt like a lie.

As he looks into my eyes, it feels like he is staring at my soul. I gulp silently hoping he doesn't feel like he has been lied to.

"Ok. If you say so. We'll talk about it when you're ready," Raoul says. God he's so sweet it makes me smile.

"Lets grab some breakfast. I'm so hungry I could eat an entire cow," I tell him.

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